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"You're amazing." Jin gushed receiving the tray of cookies.

"I know. I'm pretty fucking great." Namjoon teased receiving a hug from him.

"Come on in."

"I'm surprised your friend isn't here." He commented looking around.

"Tae? Oh yeah. He's coming over after work. We have this huge exam that we need to prepare for. It's the last one before winter break. I'm just one semester away from graduating. Can you believe it?"

"Yes. I can. You should believe in yourself more you know."

"Thanks. My friend says the same thing. So why did you bring me cookies?"

"What? I can't bring my lover some sweets?"

"Yeah. You totally can. I've just never been so spoiled before. I quite like it."

"Taehyung seems to spoil you." He smiled with a shrug.

Jin furrowed his eyebrows, "What's up with Taehyung? You keep talking about him like there's something you want to tell me."

"I just...does he have a girlfriend?"

"No. He's very invested in PA school. He doesn't want a distraction right now."

"How about a boyfriend?"

Jin once again shook his head. "I just told you he's not looking for a distraction right now."

Namjoon nodded his head. The only reason he had asked was to see if Jin was aware that his best friend didn't have a specific sexual preference. Which Jin was aware considering he had responded so calmly.

"Here have a cookie. You seem grumpy. Did you not sleep last night?" Jin grinned shoving a cookie in his mouth.

Namjoon rolled his eyes playfully but took the cookie. "I slept just fine. I hope you like these." He mumbled with a mouthful full.

"I do." He responded hopping on his counter and swinging his feet in the air.

Namjoon smiled admiring him. He looked so beautifully breathtaking doing absolutely nothing but eating that cookie.

"What?" He questioned slightly embarrassed. He hoped he hadn't looked messy or ugly eating.

"You're so beautiful. You know that?"

"Oh. Shut up." He whispered with a bright red face. He often got intimidated just not to this extend.

"I'm being serious Jin. I'm very lucky to have you. I've been around for a while and I never thought I'd have the pleasure to feel love. Now here I am completely and utterly in love with you."

Jin giggled covering his face. Love. He said the word love and he felt so complete now. "You're younger than me. Did you forget that?"

Namjoon grinned, "Sure. If that's what you want to believe."

"I'm lucky to have you too. Went to know a secret?"

"I'm all ears."

"I think I'm in love with you too." He whispered leaning closer.

They looked at each other intensely until Namjoon leaned in for a kiss. He was in between his legs and Jin's arms were tightly around his neck.

The kiss continued to deepen. Namjoon feeling everything heightened quickly became aroused. He pushed Jin back on the counter earning a gasp from him.

"I'm so sorry. I...I forget I can be too strong sometimes." He said quietly under his breath.

Jin smirked continuing the kiss. He hadn't really minded the force. It was quite sexy. Namjoon held the hem of his shirt.

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