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Jimin woke up abruptly to the sound of footsteps approaching him. He was a very light sleeper mainly because he had a lot of nightmares.

Getting sleep was always hard so any little noise always woke him up. He sat up looking at the dark figure in front of him.

"Boo." Yoongi said stepping closer.

Jimin sighed relieved once the moonlight shined against his pale skin. "Yoongi. What are you...what are you doing here?"

"What? What's the matter? I can't come hang out with you? You don't look so busy."

Jimin looked at the clock beside his nightstand a bit grumpy, "No. you cannot come to hang out with me at four fifteen in the morning."

"Oh. Right. I forgot you actually need sleep to live. The more I think about it the lamer it is to be a human."

"Don't you sleep? Are you up all night?"

"Okay Jimin. We've been over this. I'm not a Twilight vampire. I can sleep when I want to. It's not a necessity for me to sleep. Sometimes I just get—"


"Yeah pretty much. How was your date with your lady?"

Jimin titled his head to the side, "Shouldn't you know? I saw you there. Now that you mentioned it I just remembered. You were there."


"Ahh. Right. You saw me make out with the blonde. He's a really hot guy I just wasn't feeling it after a while. He gave really sloppy kisses and too much tongue in my opinion."

"Ugh. Gross. I don't want to know that."

"Does your girlfriend give sloppy kisses?"

"No." He whispered with a red face. He hadn't even kissed her yet nor was he really planning to. It would only lead her on. However, he wasn't going to discuss that with him.

"Ahh. Whatever. I don't really care either way. Sucks that you got to see me literally on top of another guy."

"I didn't just see you there. I also saw you feeding on a boy."


Jimin gulped down nervously. Sometimes he forgot how scary Yoongi truly was. Seeing him feed on another person was terrifying.

"Never mind. Where you following me? Is that why you were at the bar?"

"Oh please! I have better things to do besides follow you around. You happened to show up at the club with her. I wasn't trying to be in the same place as you two."

Jimin kept quiet. Could he really believe him? After everything he had done to him? He didn't know whether he was lying about it or not.

"I'm being serious."


"So, what did you guys do?" He asked propping his feet on the bed. Jimin sighed pushing them off earning a frown from him.

"We hung out and it was very fun. She's really nice and sweet."

"Interesting. So you like her? Am I really the Cupid who has found your one true love?" He teased with the cheesiest smile.

"I mean...yes I like her. I don't know about the true love thing." He mumbled biting the inside of his lip.

"Really? I didn't think short skirts and feminine face was your thing. I guess we're all wrong aren't we?" He questioned.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, you said you didn't like her so I assumed—"

"We don't even know each other like that for you to assume things." Jimin quietly said.

"Don't get an attitude. I'm just basically rephrasing what you said before."

"I thought I couldn't get along with her, but she's very easy to talk to. I haven't had that in a while so it is nice to have someone."

Yoongi hummed looking around the dark room. This is what he wanted. For Jimin to have a girlfriend so he wouldn't think about him too much.

Yet, here he was in his room at four in the morning. He was redoing old habits and this would only get worse if he kept getting closer. History would only repeat itself.

"You know what? You're right. It is nice to have someone. I guess it's a good thing that you've found her. You two do look cute together. I mean at the parking lot when you were hugging her and stuff that was some teen romance shit—"

"What? How do you know that?"

Yoongi looked at him trying to keep a poker face. Bloody hell. He had fucked up again? What was wrong with him? He should be smarter than this. Why were his thoughts all over the damn place?

"I have to go. I just remembered—"

"No. What do you mean by that?" He repeated holding him back. The flashback of the blood on Jihyo's shirt came to mind angering him.

"Did you feed on her? Why would you do that? She—she didn't do anything to you!"

"First of all, I didn't fucking feed on her." He replied harshly pulling away.

"There was blood in her shirt! I—I got a bad feeling about it but she said she wondered off. She couldn't have done that. She was right there beside me and next thing I know she was gone. Then she returns minutes later with blood on her shirt? What do you want me to think? I saw you—I saw the way you sunk your teeth into that guys neck. How can I trust you when you've done the same to me?"

Yoongi got up from the bed, "You're full of shit Jimin. I didn't lay a finger on your girlfriend. I fucking saved her."

"I think you should leave. I'm really tired." He mumbled laying back down.

Yoongi felt the anger within him make his blood boil. It fucking sucked to care what people thought of you after a hundred and fifty seven years. He wasn't used to feeling so vulnerable.

"Is that what you fucking think of me?" He asked kneeling over him.

"Can you just drop the subject? I'm trying to go to bed." He whispered a bit frightened.

"You think I'm just a monster that's going to snap any second don't you?" He asked his eyes turning a bright red.

Jimin held his breath unable to answer. There he was again putting up his walls. Maybe it was his fault for pushing it.

However, he couldn't not say nothing because he cared for Jihyo too. He didn't want her to be used for his pleasure and hunger. The only detail he forgot was that he was clearly nowhere as strong and powerful as Yoongi.

"Answer me!" He whispered screamed. He held his wrist tightly making him wince.

"You're—you're hurting me."

Yoongi let go relaxing himself. His eyes went back to normal and he was nowhere as worked up as he had been just a minute ago.

"I didn't feed on her and I'm not going to feed on you either. When I accepted your friendship I didn't plan to use you as my personal human toy. I haven't connected with another person before aside from my dead vampire friends. You fucking knew this was me. You're the one that asked me to be your friend. You knew I was a monster and you still fucking asked me. I'm not going to change who I am. I've been this way for a long time. Immortality comes with a price Jimin. It makes you selfish and careless because you know you can't die. If you thought I was going to be your perfect friend who gave you sane advice you're so wrong."

"Yoongi I just don't—"

"I'll let you sleep."

Yoongi stepped away and went out the window. Jimin stayed behind looking at the moon. Seconds later he got up from bed to close the window.

He didn't know whether he was sleepwalking or not. Maybe he liked to open windows in his sleep. As he closed the curtains Yoongi watched from below.

He punched the nearest tree out is spite. His hand immediately cut open pouring blood, but within seconds it quickly healed.

If he was feeling anger that only meant the rest of his emotions would flood back in no time.

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