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Yoongi woke up to Jimin laying next to him fully naked. He was covered with a blanket due to his cold nature of course. His cheeks were red and his hair had stuck to his sweaty forehead.

He grinned as he slowly moved his hair. It had been so magical. Over the years Yoongi didn't think sex was important.

The need to have it wasn't out of love. It was out of need. Feeling good was better than not feeling at all. He had fought with himself for years to not feel a single bad emotion.

All he wanted was forget the pain and what the shitty world had taken from him. He didn't realize that it wasn't his fault until years later. How could he have known that she would get sick?

Even if he would've known he could't have turned her sooner. She wasn't ready and though he was selfish he wasn't that selfish. Not to force an eternity on someone else.

He leaned over to kiss his forehead. Jimin moved a little, but didn't wake up from the nap. He had to be exhausted. Once again his strength was a pro. Never fatigued or tired.

The moments of love making came flooding through Yoongi's mind like sweet honey. It made him feel tingly all over. Human. That's what it made him feel like.

"Jimin are you su—?"

He was cut off by a pair of needy lips. Jimin was holding him tightly. Oh. So tightly they could both feel every centimeter of each other's skin.

"Are you trying to change my mind? Do you not want to have sex with me?" He wondered a bit worried.

He hadn't been intimate in a while and the thought of Yoongi seeing him naked petrified him. "If you don't want to that's fine. I'm not going to force it. I don't want you to feel—"

"Jimin, I would have sex with you anywhere and any time. I just want you to be completely sure of this. You've told me how much this means to you. Your body is a literal temple and you shouldn't just let anyone in. Your body needs to be taken care of and loved. I want you to feel that."

"I do."

With that being said they connected their lips again. Jimin walked backwards to his bed and then laid back. Yoongi was now on top of him feeling underneath his shirt.

His skin burned against his and the desire was so strong that he ripped it off him. Once he realized what he had done he pulled back embarrassed.

"Sorry I didn't mean your shirt."

Jimin laughed covering his face. The cold air hitting his nipples made them harden. Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek as his eyes traveled down his perfect stomach.

His skin was a milky perfection. Jimin definitely worked out and Yoongi could tell. The way his v-line was deeply marked on his hips made his mouth water.

"I didn't really like that shirt either way," he whispered after he stopped laughing. The fact that he was being stared down by him made his tummy all jittery.

Not in a bad way.

It felt good to be desired. To be looked at like you were the world and no one else mattered. That was fucking incredible.

"How is someone so perfect?" He asked after a brief moment of silence.

Jimin's face kept heating up and when his soft wet lips connected to his neck he gasped. The blood was rushing all over his body making him flush with need.

As Yoongi continued leaving trails of kisses down his chest his whimpers got heavier. His tongue worked magic. It made his body feel like he couldn't control it himself.

It was writhing in ways he hadn't experienced before. His mind was at peace and there was really nothing on it. The signals his brain were receiving were only good ones.

Every nerve, every touch, and every love bite sent him to another universe. He had to keep his eyes shut as the rush of electricity spread all over him.

He instantly opened his eyes once he felt his lips against his v-line. "May I?" He asked in a deep husky voice. The hunger in his voice was recognized. Jimin quickly nodded wanting nothing more.

"Well hello creep." Jimin mumbled with one eye still closed. He had a smile plastered on his face.

"Hello love." He replied pecking his forehead.

"How late is it?"

"It's about to be six in the afternoon."

"Agh. I'm still tired." He pouted closing his eyes again.

"Oh I bet so. I gave you a workout huh?"

Jimin blushed deeply and chuckled while nodding. "Go back to sleep. No one is here yet. They won't be back for a while." He added running his fingers through his hair.

"Are you sure?" He mumbled half asleep.

"Super sure." He replied getting another flashback yet again.

"You're so beautiful," Yoongi cooed as he started caressing his face with his hand. Jimin watched his every move and nibbled his lip submissive at his touch.

The first thrust hurt. It made him shut his eyes and the tears spilled from his eyes. "Do you want to stop?" He softly asked.

Jimin shook his head no gripping his back tighter. Yoongi kissed every tear away as he slowly began to move giving him time to adjust to the new feeling.

After a moment it began to feel good. Jimin's mouth was making all kinds of sinful noises that were music to Yoongi's ears.

He kept leaning over whispering erotic words into his ears making Jimin curl his toes. The way his body felt appreciated and loved was everything he ever wanted from a partner.

"Y—Yoongi?" He said breathing heavily.

"Yes love?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I'm deeply—oh—deeply in love with you. I—I like my body when you're touching it. Everything feels better,"

Yoongi let out a muffled moan as he leaned over to kiss his lips. Jimin could feel his stomach starting to tighten.

"Every nerve is exploding with pleasure," he whispered in a shaky breath.

Yoongi smiled pressing his mouth against his ear. "That's the point of this baby."

"I—I also like your body. I like what it does. E—everything."

A few moments later both were unable to hold in their pleasure any longer. As Yoongi finished he let out a deep breath plastering all sorts of kisses over his face.

It took a minute for Jimin to recollect himself. His body was shaking. His heart was beating so fast to the point he was lightheaded. Everything in that instant felt heightened.

Was this how Yoongi always felt? Because it was pretty fucking amazing.

Yoongi collapsed next to him and kissed his hand. "I'm very in love with you Jimin. That was amazing. I'm happy I got to show you how much I adore you."

Jimin smiled. His face was flushed and there was sweat droplets on his forehead. Gosh, he was just stunning.

"Yoongi you know what I liked most about this?"

"What is that?"

"The way you worshiped me underneath you."

Yoongi snapped back to reality as he looked at the now asleep Jimin. That scene would be forever engraved on his mind like a record on repeat.

Sex was great, but making love? That was indescribable. Not everyone got to do that and he did. He did it with the person whom he loves most in the world.

He wrapped his arms around him spooning him in. Then he closed his eyes with a smile. He had never fallen asleep so effortlessly before.

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