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"Do you have it?" Yoongi asked in a nervous tone.

Yuta nodded handing him the envelope. "It's here like promised."

"Thank you."

"What are you doing here in Spain? I thought you hated Europe."

"Just trying to explore I guess."

"Are you with your friends?"

"No. I took some time away and do my own thing. I'm planning on going back soon." He said staring down at the envelope.

"Mmm. You know you can always go talk to him."

Yoongi shook his head no, "He's moved on. I kept track of him for a while. After he moved out from his parents house I still looked over him. Then I let it go for a couple of years. When I went back there he had moved out. A family lives there now. I just want to know he's fine."

"I don't understand why you don't just turn him. You love him and he loves you. Why're your making it so complicated?"

Yoongi sighed leaning back on his chair. He wasn't going to lie. Missing Jimin was hard. It felt like he was under water in a never ending pain. Most of the nights he felt like he was drowning.

"I asked Namjoon for a favor. Sometimes, he has these dreams or visions where he can kind of see your future. I asked him to see if Jimin would be happy as a vampire. He didn't have to tell me much. He showed me himself. I was able to look at what he was picturing and it was everything but pretty. Instead of making him immortal I drained the life out of him. So no. I'm not making it complicated. I'm let him go because it's the right thing to do."

Yuta nodded, "Well, shit. I didn't know that part. I've never loved anyone like that. Maybe that's why I don't understand. You're a good guy and very selfless."

Yoongi laughed taking a sip of coffee, "Now you're just trying to mock me."

"I'm not. You really are. You deserve to be happy too."

"I am. I mean seeing him happy and do better has helped me. It was miserable at first, but I'm managing."

"Why don't you just turn it off? Just forget the feelings and the sadness. You can do that you know? It's not selfish to do it."

Yoongi looked back at the envelope. "I thought about it once. Then I remembered how awful it was when I did that after Nayeon left. Turning it off is not forgetting it. It's only hiding it for a period of time and when you decide to let it all in it's fucking overwhelming. I'm not doing that mistake again. Plus, if I were to do that I'd forget how happy he made me feel. That outweighs every ounce of pain I'm feeling."

"Wow. That's beautiful. I really do hope you stop hurting one day."

"Me too and eventually I will. I should get going. Thank you for doing this. I appreciate you."

"Sure. I'm always here for you. I'm just a phone call away." He smiled.

"I'll keep that in mind." He replied returning the smile.

He stood up from the table and began walking back. The envelope in his hands felt so heavy. There was so many questions racing through his mind.

Was Jimin happy? Was he with someone? Was he still in school for his bachelors in dance? Had he found a new job?

He slowly tore it open and pulled out a yellow piece of paper. Yuta knew that was Jimin's color and just seeing it on paper made his eyes flood with tears.

As he carefully unfolded he sighed relieved reading it. Then smiled as fat tears spilled from his eyes. He tore the paper into pieces dumping it in the nearest trash can.

There was no need to go see if Jimin was okay because he was. He had memorized that address by heart the first time they went there.

Finally, Jimin had found happiness.

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