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"More meat?"

Jimin looked up completely confused. The comment threw him off guard and he felt the tips of his ears get red.

"Excuse me?"

"Do you want more meat?" His mother repeated.

"Oh. No. Thank you." He replied quickly looking down.

It felt surreal to have dinner with his parents. It was rare when they were home since they were constantly out on dinners.

Maybe they both wanted to stay away from Jimin. Ever since they caught his last relationship things between them were different.

Everything changed.

If Jimin was honest, he too tried to stay away from them. It was sad to admit that he felt better without their presence.

When they were here he felt like he was under water gasping for air. Walking on eggshells and pretending to be something he wasn't. It was mentally exhausting.

"Did your boss give you that raise he was talking about?"

"Yeah he did. By the way, his son is getting married in June. We're invited."

That was the first time Jimin had heard his dad speak in four months. Every time he came around he avoided Jimin and it's not like he tried to speak to him either.

He had forgotten how deep and scary his voice was. The only flashback that came to mind was when he screamed at him after pulling him out of Hoseok's house.

"You're a disappointment! I fucking trusted you and you let me down! Where the fuck did I go wrong with you? All I wanted was a son who would give me grandchildren! Now look at you! So pathetic!"

Jimin looked back down at his unfinished plate. The appetite was gone now that his mind was flooding with horrible memories. He wished Yoongi was there. Beside him while holding his hand.

"June wedding huh? Wouldn't that be amazing?" His mother asked looking at Jimin.

"What?" He whispered.

"A June wedding?"

"I...I guess so."

"It would be. The flowers and trees would be all be bloomed and the weather just right. I think it's every girls dream to get married in a magical time like that. How are Jihyo and you?"

"We're doing good." He lied avoiding eye contact. Without realizing he was digging his nails on his palms to keep him sane.

"You should invite her to the wedding."

This was his moms subtle way of saying "you need to get married to a woman". The word 'wedding' was giving him a slight headache.


He was getting older and they were going to expect a him to marry woman. To have kids with a woman. How could he ever do that?

"Right. I will."

"I have a dinner next week." His father spoke again.

"Great! Maybe Jihyo and you could—"

"I won't be here next weekend." He said before his mother kept making up ideas in her head.

"Why not?"

"Jihyo and I are going away for the weekend. Just the two of us."

She raised her eyebrows as she looked at her husband who kept avoiding eye contact. "Very well then." She smiled satisfied.

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