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"Maybe we should go ahead and start heading out." Jimin suggested over the loud music.

"But we're having so much fun! One more drink!" A tipsy Jihyo responded.

"Oh yes, no doubt in that but it's getting late. I don't want to make a bad impression with your family. Especially since it's the first time we go out."

"Yikes. I guess you're right." She said hopping off the stool. She accidentally hit her knee against it, but didn't make a big deal out of it right then.

Jimin made sure to hold her hand the whole time as they walked through the crowd of people. It was even fuller now that it was close to midnight. Plus, she was so tiny it would be easy to lose her.

"Did you have fun Jimin?" She wondered.

"Of course. It was a new experience for sure." He responded.

"Ouch." She said suddenly as they kept walking.

"What's the matter?"

"I think I scratched my knee while ago and it stings really bad now."

Jimin looked down at her knee which was now bleeding. He suddenly got a really bad feeling. Blood had never made him this nervous before.

"We need to go now."

"t's okay. It's not even that late. My parents won't mind. They like you." She reassured.

"I know. It's just the blood...I...I have a bad feeling about it."

"Does blood make you squirmy Jimin?"

"I guess?" He responded slightly confused.

In the lobby there were a few people hanging out. Neither Jimin nor Jihyo noticed the one sitting on the couch in the corner. He was keeping an eye really close to them.

Jimin hurried out the door. It was very dark now and even colder than before. He let go of her hand for a slight second to pull out his keys.

Next thing he knew a swoosh of wind hit him. He turned around and she was gone. "Jihyo?" He called out. It came out as a whisper.

"Jihyo?" He repeated louder than before.

In the meantime Jihyo looked around a bit paranoid. Where was Jimin? Why was she behind the building now?

"Shhh. You're going to be okay. I just need to cooperate. Okay? Can you do that?" A man said leaning closer.

She nodded suddenly calmed. It was weird. Her heart and adrenaline were telling her to run. Yet, she didn't move.

"I should really get going. My boyfriend he...he's probably worried about me. He won't like that I went missing—"

"Oh babe. Your boyfriend doesn't care for you. He's clearly not into you. I have a thing where I pretty much know it. I have been alive for eight centuries. It comes to me naturally now."


"Let's not talk about your boyfriend. He's pretty boring. Now, you might be wondering why you're here. Isn't that right, sweetheart?"

Once again she nodded her head. He shook his finger no. "I like to hear words. You can speak." He encouraged.

"O—okay. I—I don't know why I'm here sir."

"Sir! Ahh! You're the cutest little thing. I'm here because of your knee." He pointed to it. She looked down very perplexed. Could this be all in her head? She had been drinking back to back for the last hour and a half.

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