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Namjoon annoyedly looked at the scattered drinks everywhere on the table. Being the clean freak that he was he started cleaning it up.

He began stacking the empty cups and gathered the crumbs of food. A girl walked in stumbling tripping on her own feet. Namjoon looked up as she leaned over the counter holding her stomach.

He didn't approach her or it would seem weird. But when a random guy came up behind her that changed everything.

"Want a drink?" He offered whispering in her ear.

Namjoon didn't even know him and he already knew his intentions. He sighed approaching him. "Why're you offering my girlfriend a drink?" He lied. The guy looked at him with a blank stare.

"Your girlfriend?"

"Yes. She's my girlfriend. Why're you offering her a drink?" He repeated holding her hand. The girl was too nauseous to argue. She stumbled her way to him.

"I was clearly trying to entertain her unlike you." He said going by and shoving him. Namjoon would've let it go since he wasn't confrontational.

However, the guy mumbled something disgustedly about the girl under his breath. One thing Namjoon couldn't stand was others being assholes. Especially towards women. It wasn't okay to denigrate either way.

"Hey. Apologize right now." He said holding him back.

"Or what?" He asked pulling away harshly.

"Or I will make you." He sternly said.

"I fucking dare you." He said stepping closer.

Namjoon took a deep breath clearing his throat. The guy shoved him again catching him off guard. He leaned back and smashed a cup with his hand.


He looked down at his bloody hand knowing it would heal within seconds. "What? Does blood make you sick?" He teased.

Namjoon turned to his right and spotted a familiar face walk in. He quickly turned away to avoid being seen by him.

"What are you going to do about your paper cut hmm?"

If the guy kept arguing he would catch attention. That's not what he wanted right now. He had told Yoongi and Jungkook to keep a low profile and here he was arguing with a drunk.

"Not so fucking tough now are you?" He screamed. He tried to swing at him but Namjoon caught it midair twisting his arm.

His arm popped and Namjoon smiled. "I usually don't get pleasure from hurting others but you have pushed my patience to the max."

Before the guy had time to scream or react he pressed his pressure point by the neck. The guy's eyes rolled back as he slowly fell in his arms.

"Very well." He said calmly catching him and sitting him on a chair. "That's what you get for being a fucking asshole and for trying to take advantage of an intoxicated girl." He whispered in his ear.

When he straighten up he looked around noticing that the other guy was gone. He was grateful he hadn't seen none of this.

"I don't feel so good." The girl spoke up seconds later.

"I know. You're clearly wasted. Where's your friends? Who are you here with?"

"I...I don't know."

"What's your name?"

"Mina." She whispered still clenching her stomach.

"I'm going to make sure you're safe, okay? Let's get you out of here."

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