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"Let me guess your parents are gone for a dinner?" Yoongi asked closing the window behind.

"Yes you are right. They're out like usual." Jimin mumbled concentrating on fixing his book shelve.

"Yes! I earned a hundred points for getting that right."

"I don't recall making this a guessing game."

"Now it is. What are you doing?"

"Organizing my books."

"Ahh. What does Park Jimin like to read huh?" He asked sitting beside him on the carpet.

Jimin could feel his heart starting to race. Every time he came this close he felt like he could explode. He was avoiding eye contact since he didn't know whether it would sting to look him in the eye or not.

"The Dark Between Stars, Child of the Moon, Pillow Thoughts...poetry. You like poetry huh?" He asked.

Jimin looked up to see him and instantly felt the pang of pain hit him. Nope. Still hurt. So he quickly stated back at his shelve.

"Yes. Of course. It's my favorite book genre."

"It's very interesting. I like it too."

"Many people don't like poetry as much. I just think a poem can be interpreted in so many ways it can be a little confusing for some."

"But that's the beauty of it."

Jimin smiled a little, "Yeah. I always say that."

Yoongi grabbed a book at the bottom of the stack. I Wrote This For You was the title. He opened it up to scan through it.

The first page had a message written on it. "With much love to my favorite person in the whole entire world. My other half, my best friend, and my everything. Happy birthday Chim—love, Hoseok."

He looked at Jimin who was still stacking the books. Without much thought he knew it had to be Jimin's ex.

"Hey Jimin, can I borrow this to read it?"

Jimin glanced back at the book in his hands and panicked pulling it away. He held it close to his chest like it'd break.

"I wasn't going to steal it. I asked if I could read it." He replied a bit annoyed.

"No...I...this book is special."

"I'm not going to misplace it. I just want to—"


Yoongi sighed turning his attention away from him. It was pretty clear Hoseok still meant a lot to Jimin. Now not only did he have to deal with his pretty girlfriend, but on top of that a mysterious ex.

"I—I'm sorry. This book is's my favorite. I—it means a lot to me. I don't want to lose it. "

"No I get it. It's fine."

"I didn't mean to be so defensive." He whispered.

"It's okay really. I totally understand."

Jimin put the book up and then turned around to face him. He sat in a criss crossed position fidgeting with his fingernails.

"Is something wrong?" Yoongi wondered. Jimin had been surprisingly quiet and awkward since he came through the window. By now he assumed they'd be over that stage.

"No. Umm...I was going to ask...did you...did you have fun at the party?"

A part of him wanted to know and the other simply didn't. He was very aware that Yoongi meant a lot to him now.

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