Best of Friends

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Ginny and Hermione stopped outside the door of Luna's apartment. Ginny looked at the gift basket in Hermione's hands. "Are you sure you have everything?"

Hermione nodded. "Positive. I have Luna's favorite chocolate, a new makeup set, skittles, a new plushie, a signed copy of her favorite book, nail polish, five bottles of wine, a movie, a rubber duck, and a new blanket."

Ginny nodded and then knocked on Luna's door. "Luna, love? It's us, Ginny and Hermione. Fred told us what happened with George."

"Go away." Luna's horse voice came from inside.

"Luna we come bearing gifts."

"What type of gifts?"

"Well, we have chocolates and-"

"Okay come in."

Hermione and Ginny opened the door to Luna's flat and gasped at the sight. Luna was a mess. Her blonde hair was wild and she was wearing a black nightgown. Very unusual for Luna. There was glass all over the floor and Hermione could see that Luna's feet were bleeding along with her hands. Ginny saw about two dozen photos burning in the fireplace. Luna was sitting in front of the fire, bags under her swollen eyes and a pool of tears on a picture of her and George she was holding.

"Luna..." Hermione whispered. She was no expert but she could tell that Luna was not in the right mental state.

Luna looked up at them, tears in her eyes. "Five fucking years."

Hermione and Ginny both winced as Luna cursed. This was not their Luna. Their Luna was sweet like a flower and never let anything get in her way. But a broken heart changes you.

Ginny bent down and wiped a tear from her face. "Come on Luna, let me clean you up and Hermione will get rid of the glass."

Luna nodded as Ginny carried her bridal style towards the bathroom. Hermione put the basket down on the floor and got to work. She took out her wand and in a few simple spells, the floor was clean and the bloody glass shards were in the waste bin.

Hermione entered the kitchen. Dirty dishes were stacked up in the sink and it looked like Luna hadn't been in here for days. She put a spell on the dishes, making them wash themselves. She then took out a pot and started to make some soup.

An hour later, Ginny came into the kitchen. "Luna is curled up on the couch. Wouldn't tell me a thing. Looks like she hadn't slept in days or eaten."

Hermione nodded as she pulled the soup into a bowl. "Good thing we found her."

"Good thing you're dating Fred."

Hermione and Ginny walked out of the kitchen, a bowl in Hermione's hand and a glass of water in Ginny's. They sat down on either side of Luna. Ginny lifted the glass to her lips. "Drink." Luna did as she was told and took the glass from Ginny. She quickly downed the glass.

Hermione then handed her the bowl next as Ginny went to get more water. "Thank you," Luna whispered as Ginny returned.

"What happened love?" Hermione asked as she stroked Luna's hair. Tears sprung into Luna's eyes.

"I got a promotion in my job causing me to work more hours. George didn't like it one bit and was often jealous when I told him about a new adventure me and Neville went on. He started to dislike it, even more, when I started to work weekends. He didn't like it one bit and last week told me that I had cut back on my hours. I told him that I could do what I want with my job and he said that it was just a job and how I should settle down and we should start thinking about kids. I told him that if he expected me to be a stay at home wife then he should walk out that door. And he did exactly that."

"Oh Luna," Hermione said as a new flow of tears sprang into Luna's eyes.

"I thought after everything we've gone through he wouldn't up and leave." Luna put her head on Hermione's shoulder and cried her heart on. The witch didn't mind her shirt getting soaked and instead motioned for Ginny to bring over the basket.

"Luna look, we got you all these things and we are going to make you feel so much better and we won't leave until we see you smile a genuine smile."

Ginny put the movie on Luna's TV. Luna opened a box of chocolate and hugged the plushie close to her. "What movie is this?"

"Mamma Mia."


An hour later, Luna drank the wine bottles dry, Hermione had painted Luna's nails hot pin to symbolize new beginnings, Ginny bundling up Luna into a blanket burrito, watching Mamma Mia two times over, Luna eating the entire box of chocolates and skittles, Luna finally fell asleep.

Hermione cleaned up as Ginny carried Luna off to bed. As she was throwing away the five bottles of wine, she heard a knock on the door. Still carrying the bottles, Hermione opened it to reveal George Weasley. 

She leaned against the door, blocking him from entering. "What do you want?"

George's gaze landed on the bottles of wine. "That's a lot of wine."

"Well, Luna is in a lot of pain."

George winced. "Can I come in?"

"Hell no." Hermione was about to slam the door in his face when he put his hand in between. "Please Hermione."

"Hell no George! You walk out Luna, leaving her a mess for us to pick up the pieces, and then come back a week later like nothing happened."

George bit his lip. "Look I know what I did was wrong but I want a chance to make it right."

Hermione gave him a deathly glare. "Luna's sleeping right now so you'll have to come back in..." Hermione glanced down at her wrist. "Never." And then slammed the door in his face.

Hermione walked to Luna's bedroom where Ginny was fast asleep next to Luna. She plopped down on the other side of Luna and soon found herself drifting off.


Luna woke up to the feeling of two arm wrapped around her. She looked over and saw Ginny and Hermione cuddled against her, almost like they were protecting her. She smiled. A genuine smile. She had the best of friends.

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now