Badass Mudblood

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Summary: Hermione has a different reaction when Draco calls her a mudblood for the first time. 

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood!" Draco spat. Everyone froze. Malfoy's words hung in the air.

Then, without hesitation, Hermione's knee lifted into the air and hit Draco right in the crotch. She then punched him across the face. Draco doubled over in pain. No one knew what to do. Everyone just stood there, watching the scene play out.

"And if you're going to call me a mudblood, might as well put badass in front of it." And walked off, not looking back.


Hermione spent the rest of the day in the library. Just before dinner, Hermione decided to go to her dorm to freshen up. When she entered the common room, everyone looked at her. Hermione froze. Was she in trouble? Were they mad at me for losing points?

Then to her surprise, everyone started cheering and clapping. Ron and Harry came up to her.

"Hermione that was bloody brilliant!"

"Malfoy won't come near me anymore! Or any other Gryffindor,"


Before Ron and Harry could shower her with even more compliments, a voice from behind her interrupted.

"Ms. Granger." Hermione turned around to see Professor McGonagall standing behind her. "Am I right to assume that you harmed another student?"

Hermione nodded. "Well then, five points from Gryffindor for harming another student." The tone in the room quickly lowered.

"However," Hermione looked up at her head of house. "15 points to Gryffindor for standing up for one's selves."

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna One ShotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum