Happy Birthday

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Luna sat in the corner, away from the rest of the prisoners. It was February 13th, the day she turned 17. She put her legs to her chest and slowly rocked herself like her mother used to do whenever she was sick. She felt tears roll down her cheeks at the memory. It was the only time had allowed herself to cry in this godawful place.

While rocking herself, she slowly sang. "Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me..." She sang softly so as not to be heard by the others. She rocked herself back and forth, back and forth.

Her mind wandered to Hogwarts. She remembered last year and how Ginny had given her a friendship bracelet. How Hermione had given her a charm bracelet that had a Raven, books, a mini version of her glasses, and a ladybug charm. How George sent her a package of daydream potions. How Neville had kissed her on the cheek at breakfast and how Harry gave her a big box that was filled with chocolates and she, Ginny, and Hermione stayed up and eat all of it.

Her thoughts then wandered to her friends. How Hermione, Harry, and Ron were probably on the run and starving. How Neville and Ginny were fighting the losing fight at Hogwarts. How Fred and George's business was probably in ruins.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Mr. Olivander sat beside her. "What are you doing Ms. Lovegood?"

"Singing and thinking." She replied.

"And might I ask what you are thinking about?"

"My friends."

After a few more moments of silence, Mr. Olivander got up and headed over to his corner. Luna began to cradle herself again. She started rocking back and forth. "Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me..."

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now