Six brothers and one period

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"This can't be happening," Ginny said, looking down at the blood-stained toilet paper. Of all the days her first period had to come it had to be the day where her mother went shopping and she was stuck at home with all six of her brothers, including Harry.

She let out a frustrated sigh. She heard a knock on the door and then a series of voices.

Percy: Ginerva Weasley, what is taking so long in there?

Charlie: Did you feel alright?

Bill: Of course she doesn't feel alright she's been in the bathroom for an hour.

Ron: Ginny I really have to use the bathroom!

Fred: I bet it's lady problems.

George: What type of lady problems?

"Will you all just go away!" Ginny shouted. She didn't know what to do. Mum was shopping with Harry all day and wouldn't be back until later that night. This can't be happening.

"What's going on?" She heard a female voice say. Ginny's head shot up. Yes, oh yes, Hermione! Hermione her saving grace, the only other girl.

"Hermione is that you?" She asked.

"Yes, Ginny it's me, are you alright?"

"Come in but don't let the boys see."

She then heard a number of sounds that kicking and someone cursing in frustration. Then Hermione appeared. "Ginny what is-" She stopped dead in her tracks when she the blood-stained toilet paper. "Oh."

Ginny watched as she rushed out and closed the door. A few moments later, she reappeared with a pair of pants and knickers and a pad and some soup. "Wash up in the bathtub with this soap and then apply the pad. You know how to put on a pad, right?"

Ginny nodded and then Hermione gave Ginny a small smile and patted her on the head. "You're a woman now."

Ginny snorted and Hermione erupted into a fit of giggles. They stopped when they heard knocking on the door.

Percy: What are you two up to?

Ron: Are you making fun of me?

Charlie: Mind telling me the joke later?

Bill: You guys should see Ron, steams coming out of his ears.

These comments made Hermione and Ginny erupt into another fit of giggles.


Hermione exited the bathroom, jumping back when six Weasley men towered over her.

"Why is Ginny in the bathroom?" Percy asked.

"Why were you two laughing?" Ron asked.

"Is she okay?" Bill asked, voice full of concern.

"Why did you bring all those stuff inside?" Charlie asked.

"Was it lady problems?" The twins asked in unison, having smirks on both of their faces.

Hermione cleared her throat. She found it very hard to speak with six men who are all about six feet, towering over her. "If you must know, Ginny got her period."

She saw all six men grow red in the face. Fred and George looked terrified. "Remember when mom used to get hers?" Fred whispered.

"The devil she was," Percy mumbled. 

Bill clapped his hands. "You know the drill! Fred, George go get the chocolates! Percy go get a glass of water! Scratch that, a cup of lavender tea! Ron go get the magazines! Charlie go to the attic and get those blankets! Move people this is code red!" Bill barked. 

The five boys scrambled in different directions, leaving Hermione confused and alone with Bill. Bill turned to her. "Alright Hermione, how did Ginny seem? Was she angry, upset, confused?" 

Hermione stammered. "She was um fine I guess."

Bill stared at her in disbelief. "Fine?! That could mean anything!"

Just then, Ginny walked out of the bathroom. She seemed annoyed. "Bill, why are you shouting?"

Bill shuddered in fear. "So sorry Ginny, didn't mean to disturb you. How do you feel?"

Just then, Charlie came down. He wrapped a blanket around Ginny. "There you go."

Ginny stared at him in annoyance. "Charlie it is eighty degrees outside I do not need a blanket."

Just then, Percy came up with a cup of tea. "Here you go Ginny, lavender with sugar just like you like it."

Ginny stared at Percy in disbelief. He hadn't been this nice to her since her first year. "What's going on?"

"Nothing..." All three of them said. "Just thought we should do something nice for our baby sister."

Ginny glanced at Hermione. "You told them didn't you."

"I honestly never expected this," Hermione responded.

Bill wrapped an arm around Ginny shoulder's and led her to her bedroom. He opened the door and Ginny and Hermione both gasped. Ginny's bed was full of cozy blankets and pillows. There was a side table to next it containing magazines and romance books. There was a plate full of chocolate chip cookies and chocolate-covered strawberries. The room was dark and only lit with a few candles.

Ginny didn't even notice the door close behind her. She went over and sat on her bed. "I could get used to this."

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now