New Year's Kiss Part 2

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Hermione looked at herself in the hallway mirror. She wore a white turtle neck, a black skirt, and black heels. Ginny said to not wear any tights and to just shave her legs. She also managed to convince Hermione to wear makeup. It wasn't a lot just red lipstick, mascara, and a little bit of blush. She also convinced Hermione to paint her nails the same shade as her lipstick. The only part Hermione controlled was her hair. She wore her soft silky curls in a neat ponytail.

Hermione glanced up at the clock. It was only nine o'clock she didn't have to worry about kissing anyone any time soon. Deeming herself ready, she stepped into the living room. She saw Molly and Arthur talking to Dumbledore and Shacklebolt talking in one corner, Tonks, Mad-Eye, Sirius, and Remus talking in another, Ron and Harry playing chess, the twins talking to Charlie and Bill, and Luna and Ginny talking by the fireplace.

Hermione walked over to Ginny and Luna. Ginny was wearing an off-shoulder black dress and Luna was wearing a lilac dress. Hermione grinned. "Luna, you do know that it's a black-tie party?" She asked, giggling.

Luna smiled at her. "It's the only dark dress I have in my closet." Ginny and Hermione laughed. Ginny turned to her.

"So Hermione, are you gonna kiss someone at midnight?" She asked. Hermione shook her head.

"No idea."

Ginny shrugged. "Well, George has been eyeing Luna from the moment she got here." Luna's pale skin turned bright pink.

"I'm gonna go get a butterbeer." She mumbled and left to go into the kitchen, leaving Hermione and Ginny alone.

"Are you sure you're not gonna kiss anyone at midnight?" She asked, taking a sip of her butterbeer.

Hermione felt her cheeks turn red. "I guess the first person who plants a kiss on me."


Sirius, Remus, Tonks, and Mad-Eye watched from one corner as Hermione talked with Ginny. They glanced at the clock. It was ten o'clock.

"No it's gonna be Harry," Sirius said, taking a sip of his wine. 

Remus shook his head. "She has chemistry with Ronald."

Tonks snorted. "Oh please, Fred or Charlie is a much better candidate."

"What chemistry does she have with either three of them. She's spent more time with godson than I have." Sirius said.

"No, no," Remus said. "You should have seen the way Ron looked at her in third year."

Tonks started to rub the brim of her nose. "Yeah, but what looks did she give him?"

"Just watch, my godson will kiss her, and then next thing we know they'll on their honeymoon." Sirius took another sip of his wine.


Hermione looked at the clock. It was eleven o'clock. She glanced around the room. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape were now talking to Dumbledore and Shacklebolt, Molly and Arthur were slow dancing in a corner, Luna and George were sitting on the couch and George had an arm wrapped around her, Bill had invited Fleur and he was now talking to her, Charlie was watching Harry and Ron play another game of chess, and Fred was in a corner giving her glances.

Hermione turned to Ginny, who was on the brink of falling asleep standing up. "Ginny do you want me to make you some tea?"

Ginny yawned as she nodded. Hermione put her butterbeer on a nearby table and walked to the kitchen. Before she could walk to the shelf to get teabags, she saw two bottles of firewhiskey. She decided that this would wake Ginny enough to last her through midnight.

She grabbed the two bottles and walked backed into the living room. She handed a bottle to Ginny. Ginny took the bottle and looked at her. "This isn't tea." She said, taking a sip.

Hermione shook her head, taking a swig herself. "It's much stronger."

Just then, Fred walked over to them. "You know, you girls really shouldn't be drinking that."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Wheres, you're other half?"

Fred pointed to where George was talking to Luna who was giggling. "Trying to snog Looney."

"Don't call her that," Ginny said, taking another swig of her drink.

Fred glanced at Hermione and suddenly turned red. "So, 'Mione, any idea who are you kissing at midnight?"

Hermione looked down. "No idea. Just the first person that plants a kiss on me."

Fred smiled.


Sirius had had enough. He went over to where Harry and Ron were playing chess and pulled Harry up by the ear and dragged him to where he was talking to Remus and Tonks.

"Ow! Sirius what the hell?"

"You know Harry," Sirius said. "A lot of people think you're just like your father and when it comes to girls I would have to agree."

Harry looked confused. "What do you mean?"

Sirius scoffed. "Do you know how long your father had a crush on your mother?"

"Since she was sorted into Gryffindor." Remus chimed in.

Siris gave him an annoyed look. "And do you know how long he waited until he kissed her?"

"At the end of sixth year," Remus said, taking a sip out of his glass.

"So don't be like your father and bloody kiss the girl," Sirius said, shoving Harry in the direction of Hermione and Fred. Harry stumbled forward, almost knocking down Hermione. Hermione grabbed his arms to balance him.

"You okay Harry? You look like a drunk!" Hermione said as Harry stood straighter. Harry glanced at the clock. Thirty minutes left. "Hermione I-" Harry was interrupted by a shatter of glass.

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now