Electric Love

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All six of Ginny's brothers didn't know why Ginny was frantically looking around for someone. They were in the great hall where bodies were being brought in.

Bill stepped forward and grabbed her by the arms. "Ginny! Ginny!" Ginny looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"I can't find her," She sobbed. 

Bill lifted his little sister's chin. "Who?"

Before she could respond, a voice rang out across the great hall. "Ginny!" All seven siblings turned around to see Luna standing at the entrance of the Great Hall, covered with dirt and blood.

"Luna!" Ginny cried tears of joy. She started running towards Luna. Luna started running towards Ginny. Luna jumped into Ginny's arms, putting her legs around Ginny's waist. Ginny cried into Luna's jumper and Luna cried against Ginny's red hair.

After a while, Ginny pulled away to look up at Luna. "I'm never letting you go again." Ginny then pulled Luna into a kiss. Luna kissed her back, her legs never leaving Ginny's waist. They stayed like that until a strong set of hands pulled them away.

Ginny wrapped her arm around Luna tightly, not wanting to lose her. They looked up to see the Weasley family staring at them, Hermione grinning like a little school girl.

"You guys!" She said, clapping her hands. "How come you never told me!" She rushed towards them and gave them a big hug. 

"Yeah Ginny," Bill said, putting his arms over his chest. "How come you never told us you were dating Looney?"

Ginny glared at her older brother, who was eleven years older than her and much more powerful than her. "Don't call her Looney." She growled, reaching for her wand.

Bill gulped in fear and stepped back. "I-I'm really sorry Ginny, I-I didn't mean to offend you..."

Luna placed a hand on Ginny's. "It okay Ginny, you don't have to protect me."

"I do," Ginny said, her angry gaze still on Bill. "He offended you and now he must pay the-"

Luna's lips captured Ginny's before she could say anymore. Ginny dropped her hand and put it around Luna's neck, pulling her closer. Bill let out a sigh of relief. He made a mental note to never offend Ginny or Luna again.

Hermione clapped her hands, jumping up and down. "How romantic! Their love is-"

"Electric Love." Ginny and Luna said.

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now