Déjà vu

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Minerva McGonagall was walking down the corridors when she saw an interesting scene taking place. Fred Weasley was leaning against the wall, trying to flirt with Hermione Granger. Lee Jordon and George Weasley were snickering behind him.

"Come on Granger, go to Hogsmeade with me." He said, flashing her a charming grin.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "In your dreams Weasley."

Something clicked in Minerva's brain. "Déjà vu." She whispered to herself. She closed her eyes and then opened them. She was suddenly back in 1975, in the same corridor.

She looked to where Hermione and Fred were and saw that it was now Lily and James. Instead of Lee and George, she saw Sirius and Remus.

"Come on Evans, go to Hogsmeade with me," James said, flashing Lily a charming smile.

Lily rolled her eyes. "In your dreams Potter."

Minerva closed her eyes again and then opened them. She sighed as she realized she was now in the present. She suddenly became teary-eyed and rushed to Dumbledore's office.

"Albus, Albus!" She screeched as she entered the room.

Albus Dumbledore looked up from his desk. "What is it, Minerva?"

Minerva felt the tears roll down her cheeks. "Fred and Hermione, Lily and James. Déjà vu!" That was all she could say before she broke down crying.

Albus Dumbledore looked at her in confusion. It was a rare occasion to see her cry. Albus took out his wand and pointed it at her head. He retrieved the pensive from her. He finally understood why she was so upset.

"Minerva I'm sure that they will not have the same fate as James and Lily. Everything will be okay."


May 2, 1998

Minerva McGonagall watched from afar as Hermione Granger entered the great hall. She felt tears spring up in her eyes as she watched Hermione walk down the hall, towards Fred's lifeless body.

Tears were rolling violently down the young girl's cheeks. Hermione looked down at her lover's body and then sprinted towards the entrance. Minerva quickly followed her.

Minerva entered a corridor, the same corridor where Fred was flirting with Hermione during her fifth year. She saw Hermione, curled up into a ball. Her sobs broke Minerva's heart. 

She walked over and then slumped down next to her. She put her arms around her, holding her like a mother holds a newborn baby.

"I really thought you two were going to be different." She whispered. "I really thought that this time, you would both live."

Back in the 70s, Minerva knew Lily and James would end up together. She knew that they would make the most perfect couple. When Fred and Hermione started to date, she felt hope and reassurance in her heart. A Déjà vu of sorts. She hoped that this young couple wouldn't have the same fate as the original. But war always derails your hopes.

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ