Ginny's Date

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"I have to go to Potions," Ginny said, packing her bag and then leaving. Ron noticed that a note fell out of her bag but she didn't notice.

"Oi Ginny!" He tried to get her attention but she was already out of the great hall. Sighing, he picked up the paper.

Dear Ginny,

I can't wait to see you tonight. Meet me at the black lake at around 10.

Ron studied the note. He couldn't recognize the handwriting and there was no name signed on it. He suddenly felt anger rushing in him. Ginny had a date? With who? He decided that he needed to consult his other two brothers.

Getting up, he walked down the table to where his brothers sat.

"What's up Ron?" Fred asked, looking up from his plate of eggs and bacon.

"Ginny has a date." He stated and then handed them the note.

"What?" The twins said in unison as they read over the piece of parchment.

"Well I know someone," Fred started.

"Who will probably know." George finished.

Ron gave them a questioning look. "Who?"


Hermione was sitting in the courtyard, reading a book. This was her only free period during her classes and wanted to enjoy a good novel. Her peace was soon interrupted by the Weasley brothers.

"Oi Granger!" She heard Fred call. She looked up to see Fred running towards her with Ron and George at his side. The last three people she wanted to see on this perfect day.

She groaned as they approached her. "Can't I read my book in peace without a Weasley disturbing?" She asked returning to her book, hoping they'll just go away. Unfortanley, that's not how the Weasleys work.

Fred grabbed her book and held it high above his six foot tall head so her five foot body couldn't reach.

"Fred give it back!" She said, jumping up to try to grab her book.

"Not so fast, Granger. Who is Ginny going on a date with tonight?"

Hermione eye's widened and she realized she wasn't getting her book back. Ginny had swore her to secrecy and if Hermione told her brothers then Hermione would lose more then a love novel.

"You know what, keep the book. I have to run to Charms any ways." She said, quickly getting her bag and trying to walk past them. George blocked her.

"Granger who is Ginny going on a date with." He said slowly, not letting her walk past.

"Can't tell. Sworn to secrecy. "She tried to walk around him but failed.

"You know Granger," George said, smirking his evil smirk. "A little birdie told us you were ticklish." Hermione looked down in fear at his long fingers. She gulped.


Fred and George highfived and Ron turned red in the face. "Here you go Granger." Fred handed her back her book. Then the three boys ran off to find Neville.

"Idiots," Hermione mumbled as she walked to Charms.



Neville turned around to see Ron and the Weasley twins running towards him. He gulped. He hoped Fred and George wouldn't make him test any of their products.

Ron ran up to him. "Why didn't you tell me you were going on a date with my sister?"

Neville looked at him confused. "Who Ginny? I'm not going on a date with her." He said as the twins caught up to him.

"What? But Hermione-" Ron then turned very red in the face. "She lied!" Then he and the twins ran off. Neville sighed a breath of relief.



Hermione turned to see the twins and Ron enter the Gryffindor common room. "Shit!" They figured out her lie. Hermione jumped out of the couch and ran as fast as she could to the stairs to her dormitory. But it wasn't enough. George caught her in a bear hug from behind.

His long fingles started to tickle her stomach. She couldn't stop giggleing. "Who's Ginny's date, Granger?" In between giggles, Hermione managed a "Not telling."

Beofre George could tickle any more, Ginny came down the stairs. "I mean honestly! What are you boys doing? Who I go on a date with is none of your business."

"Yes it is." All three said in usion.

"No it isn't." She spat back.

"Yes it is!"

"No it isn't!"

"Yes it-"

"Stop it right now," Hermione said. "You four are acting childish. Ginny go ahead on your date and I'll stay back to make sure these three bimbos don't follow you."

Ginny smiled at her and then headed toward the portrait. The twins and Ron were about to follow when a book hit George's head. "Oi! What was that for?"

"For tickeling me!" Hermione said. George smirked at her.

"Just admit it Granger. You loved every minute of it." He said with a wink. Hermione rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"I'm going to bed. I'm allowing you to follow but if you get caught I'm going to say you blackmailed me. Just don't do anything stupid." And with that, she went upstairs.

"Well you heard the lady get a move on!" Fred said.


Ron and the twins stood behind a tree, waiting for Ginny's date to arrival. "Do you see anything?" Ron asked.

"No," The twins said in usnion.

"Oh wait I see something moving!" Fred pointed in the direction. They spotted a figure with what looked like platinum blonde hair.

"Wait, is that Malfoy?" Ron said in disgust.

"I'm gonna kill that basterd." Fred mumbled.

"Wait why is he wearing a pink dress?" George squinted his eyes.

"What?" Both Fred and Ron said in confusion, squinting their eyes to get a better look. The person had long platinum blonde hair in a ponytail and a pink dress on and what looked to be sunglasses on top of their head.

"Wait is that-Luna?!" Ron's eyes widned in surprise.

"Oh. My. God." The twins said together, a huge grin on both of their faces.

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now