To Be in Love

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Luna was laying on the grass, looking up at the clouds when someone laid down next to her. She had hoped for some alone time to sort out her lots but you can never get alone time at the burrow.

"What's it like to be in love?" She asked, not looking at the person next to her.

Harry shrugged. "I guess when you're in love the person you love is always on your mind. You don't have to be thinking about them but they are always in the back of your mind. You smile when they enter the room and your whole world becomes better when they talk to you. You change when you're around them. You try to make yourself a better person so they notice."

"Okay." She said, sorting through her thoughts.

Harry looked towards her. "Are you in love Luna?"

She shrugged. "Maybe."

She missed the disappointed look in his green eyes. "Can you maybe forget that you're in love for thirty seconds?"

Luna looked up at him. "I don't think that's possible. Not when-"

Harry leaned down and kissed her before she could finish. It was a small kiss, but enough to show his love for her. When he pulled back, he found that she was searching his eyes.

"I don't think that's possible. Not when the person that I love is right beside me."

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now