Dating a Slytherin

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"Who is he?"

"At least give us a name."

"Or their house."

"Maybe a description?"

Ron and Harry were pesteringHermione about who she was dating. She accidentally revealed that she had a date that night.

"Fine, they're in Slytherin." And before the boys could react, Hermione dashed out of the great hall.





"Who is it?" Harry asked as Hermione finished up her dinner. 

"Stop trying to be involved in my love life." She stated before heading off to her date.

"I think I'll puke if it's Goyle," Ron said in disgust.

"Come on let's follow her," Harry said, getting up from the table.


Ron and Harry were sitting at a table in the library, doing their best to keep an eye on Hermione, when Draco and Blasie came running in. As soon as the two Slytherins spotted the two Gryffindors, they ran up to them.

"Which one of you is her date?" Draco sneered.

Ron and Harry looked at each other confused. "What?"

"Which one of you lions is going on a date with Pansy?" Blaise asked.

"Neither of us are going on a date with her." Harry clarified.

"But Pansy said she was going on a date with a Gryffindor," Blasie said, scratching his head.

Ron looked towards Hermione. "Funny Hermione said she was going on a date with a Slytherin."

Eyeballs nearly popped out at the realization.


"It can't be..."

"I didn't even know..."

"She fancied girls."

They all turned their attention as Pansy walked through the door. She spotted Hermione and ran up to her and kissed her.

"Is it weird that I ship this?" Harry asked, looking at the couple.

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now