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Seven-year-old Hermione Granger was sitting underneath a willow tree at the park. Her mother sat by a nearby bench reading a book. Hermione looked down at the book in her lap. Matilda.

She already read the book about a million times but it just fascinated her. A girl who could do magic! Hermione was pretty sure she could do magic. But it wasn't big magic like making something disappear. More like changing the color of a flower or making stuff fall off the counter.

She never revealed this to her parents for fear that they would she'd gone mad. And she would never tell any of the kids at her school. They'd make her an outcast. A freak. Truth be told, she was already somewhat of an outcast.

She had no friends. Every thought of her as an annoying bookworm. Those who were nice to her always took advantage of her by asking for homework answers. She just wished that one day she'll leave all those mean kids behind and go somewhere she truly belongs. But she only wishes.

Hermione was interrupted from her thoughts by a commotion. She looked up to see a family of red hairs enter the park. There seemed to be nine of them, two adults and seven children. It was midsummer so Hermione that they were just on a nice summer outing and went back to her book.

A few minutes later, Hermione heard footsteps approaching. She looked up to see a girl with bright red hair walking her way. The girl looked around her age but maybe a little younger. She seemed to be part of the red-headed family.

The girl sat down in front of Hermione. She reached out her hand. "Hi, I'm Ginny."

Hermione looked down at the outstretched hand then back at the girl. She shook her hand. "I'm Hermione."

The girl's eyes lit up. "Hermione is a very pretty name."

Hermione smiled. "Thank you."

Ginny then looked down at her book. "What book are you reading?"


Her eyes lit up again. Before she could say anything though, two voices interrupted her from behind. "Ginny, mom said we had to look after you."

Hermione looked over the girl's shoulder to see two identical boys with red hair walking towards them. Hermione assumed that they must be her brothers.

Ginny turned around in annoyance. "I can take care of myself just fine."

One of them snorted. "Yeah right."

"Who's your little friend?" The other one asked, grinning at Hermione.

"This is Her-"

She was yet again interrupted by what Hermione assumed was one of her other brothers. "FRED! GEORGE!"

Hermione saw a very scrawny boy with red hair running towards them. "GIVE ME BACK MY GLASSES!"

Fred and George looked at him and laughed. 'That's not very nice.' Hermione thought to herself.

Hermione then heard voices come from behind the scrawny boy. "Percy calm down. Fred, George give Percy back his glasses." Two teenage boys with red hair joined the group.

The twins both rolled their eyes and handed Percy back his glasses. "Thank you," Percy said.

"So Ginny," one of the twins said. "What was the name of your pretty friend?"

All five of the brothers turned to Hermione. "Hermione, but I don't know her last name. Or anything else about her. Just that her name is Hermione and she's reading Matilda."

"Granger, Hermione Granger," Hermione tells them.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." One of the twins said with a wink. Hermione rolled her eyes. 'Is this boy really flirting with me? If so, it's quite pathetic.'

His twin burst out laughing. "You just got rejected by a seven-year-old Fred!" 

Fred turned to his brother, red-faced. "Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did no-"

"BOYS!" A plumped woman with red hair came up to them followed by another boy with red hair. If any more children with red hair showed up Hermione might just faint. "Stop bothering this poor girl!"

All six children looked down. "Sorry, mum,"

The woman turned to me and smiled a warm smile. "Sorry about the disturbance dear,"

I smiled back at her. "It's quite alright. I quite enjoy their company."

Hermione was close enough to the twins to hear one whisper to the other, "See, I did not get rejected by a seven-year-old."

The woman beamed at her. "Where are your parents dear? I want to meet the people who brought up such a nice little girl."

Hermione pointed in the direction of her mom. "My mum is reading a book over there."

The woman walked over to where Hermione's mum was seated. Hermione saw a daisy by her feet and without thinking, picked it up. As she picked it up, it turned bright red. She heard all of the siblings gasp.

"You're a witch!" Ginny said grinning.

'Well fuck you too, bitch.' Hermione thought to herself. Hermione looked at all of their faces. They were all grinning from ear to ear. 'Great now I'm gonna get bullied.'

"I can't believe we found a witch in a muggle park!" The boy with the glasses said.

"Let's go get dad, he'll know what to do." Said the oldest boy. All seven of them ran off. Hermione felt sick to her stomach. She knew it wasn't right to judge people but these people were really weird.

Hermione quickly got up and brushed the grass off from her pink sunflower dress. She quickly ran in the direction of her mom who was still talking to the plump woman. Hermione tugged at her mom's dress. 

"Mum I want to go!" She said.

"But Hermione I was ju-"

"Now!" Hermione said.

Sensing the urgency in her daughter's voice she quickly packed up her things. "So sorry about this. I don't know what's gotten into her." Her mother explained to the lady. The lady chuckled. "It's quite all right. My seven children can get unruly sometimes too."

As soon as her mom got her purse, Hermione quickly dragged her mom out of the park. "Hermione! That was very rude of you!" her mother scolded as they walked in the direction of their house.

"Sorry mum but those kids really weirded me out."

Her mum's eyes sudden;y went wide. "They didn't touch you or anything right? I saw that they were mostly boys and two of them were teenagers and if one of them-"

"Mom!" Hermione cut her mom off before she could make wild accusations. "Nothing like that. They just seemed really....weird."

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now