Best Regards

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A/N: So this is a pairing of Percy and Hermione and I know a lot of people don't ship so don't feel like you have to read it.

Fifth Year

Percy looked at the line of first years walking down the hall. As they passed, Percy heard a voice saying, "It's bewitched to look like the sky outside. I read about it in a Hogwarts: A History." The voice came from a bushy-haired girl. Percy smiled to himself. Finally, a first-year who actually cared about reading books.

Percy watched the sorting happened, always keeping one eye on the bushy-haired girl.

"Granger, Hermione."

Percy smiled. What an unusual name. "Gryffindor!" 

He along with the rest of the table cheered as Hermione walked over and took a seat next to him. He extended his hand. "Percy Weasley."

She shook it with a smile. "Hermione Granger, a pleasure to meet you."

Percy raised an eyebrow at her. This girl was much more mature than any of the other first years he encountered on the train.

Throughout the rest of the feast, Percy answered all her questions about the classes. He smiled to himself. He's never seen a first-year so excited for their classes.


Sixth Year

Percy looked down at the bed in horror. Hermione laid there, unmoving. Percy felt the color drain from his cheeks. "Is she..." He asked Madam Pomfrey, his voice filled with fear.

Madam Pomfrey shook her head. "Just petrified."

"Can I stay here a while?" He asked, looking back down at Hermione.

"Stay as long as you'd like dear." Madam Pomfrey then walked away.

Percy pulled a chair up and sat down beside Hermione. He started to run his fingers through her hair. He should be studying. He should be making rounds of the castle. But he couldn't leave Hermione like that. He felt a silent tear roll down his cheek.


Seventh Year

Percy was walking down the corridors one afternoon when he heard someone crying. He walked down the hall, towards the sounds. He was shocked to see Hermione at the end of the hall, head in her hands and her sweater stained with tears.

"Hermione?" His voice startled her and she looked up to see Percy with a concerned look on his face.

"Oh so sorry Percy, I didn't mean to disturb you." She said quickly wiping her tears from her face.

Percy sat down next to her, without a moment's hesitation. "What happened?"

She looks up at him, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. "Why do you care?"

"Because Hermione," He thought for a moment. Why did he care? "You are one of the smartest people I know and frankly, one of my favorite people to talk to at Hogwarts. And I like to consider you as a friend. So please tell your friend what is bothering you."

She looked at him again and then the tears spilled. She told him all about how there was no hope in saving Buckbeak and that Harry and Ron cut her off. Percy sat there, putting an arm around her while she cried into his shoulder.


Her fourth year

Percy excited the great hall, wanting a breath of fresh air away from all those teenagers when he saw Hermione crying on the stone steps. Without a moment's hesitation, he sat down beside her and put an arm around her shoulders. This feels familiar.

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant