Best Day Ever

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Hermione and Lun entred the kitch of the burrow. Bill, Charlie, Fred, and George looked up at them. "Morning ladies." They all said together.

Hermione and Luna exchanged glances. It was normal for the twins to speak in usion but when all four of the brothers did it it was just frightful.

They nodded and then sat down together, afraid that if they separated that neither of them would survive the prank that was about to be pulled. They sat across from the boys. Mrs. Weasley was prepping the kitchen, Ginny was knocked out along with Harry and Ron, Percy had gone to work, and Mr. Weasley was in his shed.

"Do you ladies know what today is?" Bill asked, rasing his eyebrows at them. Luna and Hermione exchanged glances.

"January twelevth 1997." Hermione said, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice.

Charlie flashed her a charming smile. "And do you know what day January twelevth is?"

Both Luna and Hermione shook their heads. The twins smirked. "Its national kiss a ginger day."

Hermione spit out her pumpkin juice while Luna choked on her toast. Hermione wiped her mouth. "Pardon but what?"

They all smirked at her. Bill clread his throat. "National kiss a ginger day. Where you have have to kiss a ginger."

Hermione raised her eyebrow. "I have to?" 

"Correction: You both have to." Fred said, winking at Luna. Luna's cheeks were bright red. Hermione pinched the brim her nose.

"I still don't know why we have to though."

"Becuase its national kiss a ginger day!" George exclaimed.

"Right but that doesn't mean we have too." Hermione exclaimed. What these boys were saying was riddicoulous! She'd rather jump into the lake naked then kiss one of them. Although, that might just cause them more satisfaction.

"It does so!" Fred said, crossing his arms like a child.

Hermione rolled her eyes. It would be a cold day in hell when she kissed a Weasley.


Luna was walking along the lake looking for Nargles when she felt someone's presence behind her. She turned around and saw Fred and George leaning against a tree and staring at her. She gulped and turned back to the lake.

Sure she found the Weasley twins attractive and she must admit that there business is rather successful but that doesn't mean she fancies them or wants to kiss them.

She heard them arrporching and internally groaned. They could sometimes be so annoying sometimes.

"Afternoon Lovegood." One of them said with a wink. Luna could never tell which one was which.

"Afternoon." She replied. She looked back to the bank of the lake.

"What are you looking for?" The other one asks.

"Nargles." She replies simply, not looking at either of them. Even though the Christmas season was over and the mistole has been put away, Luna's mother always said they liked to hide out in lakes.

One of them cleared his throat. "So when are you going to-"

"I'm not going to kiss a ginger!" She said, storming off towards the burrow.


Hermione felt a pair of eyes on her. Or rather two. She looked up to see Bill and Charlie staring at her. She inwardly groaned and rolled her eyes. "What?" She asked irritated.

"Just wondering why you won't kiss us." Bill replied.

"Because I don't want to," She snapped back.

"But why not?" Charlie snapped back.

"Maybe because I'm only sixteen and you both are way older to me." 

They were silent for a moment. "Okay valid point."


Things only got worst at dinner. The four boys wouldn't stop teasing the girls and the rest of the Weasleys (plus Harry) just found it amuseing. Finally, Hermione had enough.

"FINE! I'll kiss a god damn ginger!" And before anyone could react, Hermione grabbed Ginny's chin and pulled her in for a kiss. It lasted for a good ten seconds before Hermione pulled away.

All four brothers gaped at her and Ginny was was grinning ear to ear. Taking the hint, Luna dropped her fork and pulled Ginny into a kiss.

Hermione and Luna high five over Ginny's head. Ginny's bi heart was leaping over the moon. "Best day ever."


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