"What, do you want me to close the door or something?"

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"What do think Soda, you think it makes me look tough?"

"I think it makes you look different."

"That guy had sharp teeth."

"What do you mean by different?"

"You got a hole in your mouth."

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Darry in the armchair, Soda on the floor wit his knees pulled up to his chest, Pony, Johnny, and Dally at the table, Two-bit standing near the bathroom with Aria cleaning him up. I turned my head to look up. A light gasp escaped my lips when I saw Steve's face. Blood and mud. That's what I could see. His right eye was slightly swollen, there was, indeed, a whole in his mouth, and he had small cuts all over his face.

"Hey sleepy head." he smiled then winced. I quickly sat up.

"C'mon, lets get you cleaned up." I demanded and grabbed his hand.

"Uh oh, Mikaela's in nurse mode." Dal commented.

I ingored it and helped Steve up, leading him to the bathroom where Aria had just finished cleaning up Two-bit. Steve walked with a limp and clutched his side.

I dabbed a damp towel on his face, washing the mud and the blood off. I lightly brushed the cut on his mouth and he flinched.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"It's alright."

"Take your shirt off." I said, backing away.

"What?" Steve's eyes grew wide.

"Take your shirt off. I need to see your side." I said.

"Oh." He got off of the counter.

"What, do you want me to close the door or something?" I asked with a little chuckle.


"Alright." I said and closed the door.

He slid his jean jacket off, and then his shirt. I took a look at his side which was beginning to turn purple. 

"I'll go get a pack of ice." I said and left the bathroom. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of ice out of the freezer. The rest of the gang was watching TV in the living room. I don't think they even knew I was there. I returned to the bathroom and set the bag of ice on the counter, closing the door behind me. I wrapped the bag in a thin towel and placed it on Steve's ribs.

"Just leave the ice on there for a while." I told him and reached for the door handle. Steve grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. Not a second later his lips were on mine kissing me hungrily. I, of course, kissed back.

"What the hell is goin' on?" An angry voice shouted. The bathroom door swung open revealing a very angry Two-bit. I pulled away from Steve quickly and stared at Two, my eyes wide in fear.

"I-it's not what it looks like, Two, I swear!" I stammered. Two-bit grabbed my arm and drug me out of the house and to the porch. I yelped a little when he let go and glared at me, his eyes brimming with anger.


"Just shut up, alright?" he yelled. "God, you know what was goin' through my mind when I saw my little sister and one of my best friends kissing? Need I remind you he wasn't even wearing a shirt?"

"He was icing his side and I was just leaving the bathroom-" I tried to explain but he cut me off.

"I don't want to hear it. C'mon, let's go." he said and grabbed my arm, dragging me to his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.



"I don't want to hear it." He warned.

"You're takin' a little break from the gang for a while."


I can't see anything. I can hear and feel, but I can't see.
"C'mon, tie her hands up!"
I swing my elbow back and it collides with a body and I hear a grunt.
Something hits my head and pain follows soon after. I bite my lip to try and keep my scream back, it doesn't work.
"Gag her!"


I sit up in my bed. The same thing happened last night, when Keith made me stay here. The place he calls home. He doesn't know any reason to hate this place. Our father -before he left- used to beat me when no one was home. The sky was beginning to lighten and I could hear the shower running.

Hours had passed before I heard someone knock on the front door. Keith andswered and I could hear him talking to someone. It was all myffled so I couldn't make out what they were saying. After a while I heard my door open but I couldn't see who it was, I was facing my window.


Kinda short, but hey, at least I updated, right?

Falling For My Best Friend (Steve Randle x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang