Just Breathe

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"Hey guys, and gal," Darry greeted, "Go get some towels and you swim suits."

"Why?" Sodapop questioned.

"We're going to the pond, I made some food, too."

I ran to my room to get some extra clothes and a towel and to change. I don't like to wear swimsuits, I don't care what kind they are. I always wear a T-shirt and shorts while swimming. After I change into some short and a shirt, I grab a towel. Everyone is in the living room, the boy ll have their shirts off and swim trunks on. I can feel my face starting to blush.

"Mikaela, where's your swimsuit?" Two-bit asks.

"Oh," I look down at my outfit, "This is my swimsuit."

"Alright," Darry sighs, "Lets go."

We all run out, holding our towels. We decided to take both Darry and Steve's trucks. I choose to ride with Darry, Ponyboy and Johnny. Two-bit, Dally and Soda ride with Steve. Darry drives in front while Steve drives behind us. Ponyboy gets to sit up in the cab with Darry while me and Johnny sit in the bed of the truck across from each other. Me and Johnny talk, just about random things the whole way there. He tells me about all of the stupid things that Two-bit has done, things like that.

We finally arrive at the pond and Darry lays a blanket down, placing the food on it. Right away Johnny and Pony grab my arms and drag me to the water. I throw my towel on the sand and follow Ponyboy and Johnny to a small cliff. Ponyboy jumps off first, then Johnny. I took a deep breath an ran. When I reached the end I jumped as far as I could. I landed in the water with a loud splash and was immediately plunged under. Resurfacing, I pushed my hair back and out of my face. 

We decided to play a 'friendly' game of chicken. I was with Darry, Soda with Steve, Ponyboy with Two-bit, and Johnny with Dallas. I hopped up onto Darry's shoulders and everyone who was smaller was on their partners shoulders.

Ponyboy pushed Johnny off first, so I got Pony. Then Soda pushed me off. When I emerged from the water, all of the guys were looking at me, smirks playing on their faces. I was confused. They all started swimming towards me and Two-bit got to me first. He picked me up then all of the boys spread out, then he threw me! I landed in Soda's arms, bridal style, and he picked me up and threw me, too. This time I landed in Dally's arms, who smirked at me, then threw me to Pony, who threw me to Darry. Darry picked me up and tossed my to Johnny. Steve was the only one who I hadn't been thrown to. It hit me what Johnny was going to do.

"Johnny, no-" I pleaded.

He smiled quickly before throwing me to Steve. I landed with me hands on his shoulders and his on my waist. A small grin appeared on his face. We stayed like that for a few seconds. We break away and I swim to shore, flustered by what just happened. I grab my towel and begin to dry myself off. The rest of the gang swims to shore and begins drying themselves off.

We head over to the blanket and food that Darry had laid out. I ate some fruit and a sandwich, while the boys also ate sandwiches. They headed back to the water after eating, but I stayed on the blanket. The sun slowly began to set and I could see Ponyboy looking at it. I couldn't see the Sunset very well though, so I decided to climb one of the trees surrounding the pond to see if I could get a better look. I found a smaller tree but tall enough to climb, I only climbed about ten feet and I could see the sunset perfectly. I smiled, it was beautiful. The wind blew my hair around as I looked down at the water where the boys were. I always liked heights, I've never really been afraid of them, I don't know why, I guess it was because I always used to climb trees. I saw Sodapop point to where I was and all of them looked up. I smiled and waved. All of a sudden, a strong gust of wind pushed against my body while I was still waving. I felt myself falling and I screamed until I hit the ground. The wind was knocked out of my body, I had landed on my side, mostly my right arm. I couldn't breath and my arm was starting to throb. I closed my eyes and winced as I tried to move, I still couldn't breath. I could hear footsteps coming towards me and I felt someone pick me up slightly and lay me head on their lap. I cried out when my arm moved. My chest was starting to hurt from the lack of oxygen and I felt someone stroking a hand over my hair.

"Just breathe," They said, and I recognized the voice as Steve's and I tried taking in a breath of air, it worked, "Shh, it's okay. I'm right here."

"You're going to have to stand, alright, Kael?" I heard Two say. I opened my eyes and Steve helped me up. I looked down at my arm, it was bent in an awkward shape. I felt my heart speed up and I suddenly felt sick, my stomach flipped and I saw black spots start to cloud my vision.

"I don't feel so good," I mumbled before the spots consumed my vision.

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