I'll Stay Right Here, Okay?

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I felt myself falling, far, I was at the top of a tree, and I was falling. I screamed as loud as I could.

"Hey, hey, it's alright," I heard a soothing voice say as I opened my eyes. I sat up and placed my head in my hands. My heart was pounding out of my chest and my breathing was hitched. I felt a hand rubbing my back so I turned my head and saw Steve. I took deep breaths and tried to calm myself down.

"Are you alright? You were screaming," Steve said, I could hear a bit of worry hidden in his voice.

"I-I was?" I studdered.

"Yeah. What were dreaming about?"

"I...was falling again, but this time I was all the way up in the tree." I whimpered, trying to hold back tears.

"Hey, it's okay to cry, you can let it out." He scooted up by me. At that moment, I broke. I burst out in tears. I was scared, scared of going to sleep again. Scared of reliving that moment.

"Steve?" I looked at him, tears blurred my vision.

"Yeah doll?"

"I'm scared. I don't want to go back to sleep. I don't want to dream about that again." 

"I'll stay right here, okay? You can sleep, I'll be right here." He smiled.

"Okay." I laid down beside him. He laid facing me, so I buried my face in his chest and he rubbed my back again. I drifted back off to sleep.


I opened my eyes and was surprised to see Steve still laying next to me. I looked at his face, his big nose, his eyebrows, his lips........Then I looked at his arms, his muscles. His arms were wrapped around my body, protectively, like he was making sure that the dream wouldn't come back. I guess it worked, because I didn't have that nightmare again.

I put my hands against his chest and closed my eyes again. Feeling his body shift, I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He smiled and I smiled back. He moved his arm off of my side and sat up, his back facing me. He started to get up and walked to the door. I sat up, crisscrossed, as he opened the door.

"Steve?" He turned around.


"Thank you." I smiled.

"Anytime." And with that he turned around and walked out, a smiled played upon his face.

I got up and dressed in a T-shirt and shorts, again. When I looked in the mirror I saw a huge bruise formed on my right arm. I placed my fingers lightly on it, but as soon as I did that I immediately pulled away and inhaled sharply. I left my hair down, brushing it just enough to make it look decent and walked down the hallway. I heard voices, coming from the kitchen, and some from the living room.

"Is she okay?" I heard Two-bits voice.

"She took quite a fall last night." Sounds like Darry. 

"I heard her screaming earlier." Sodapop.

"I think she's okay, just a little shaken up." I heard Steve say.

I walked into the living room. Immediately all eyes turned to me, then to my arm.

"Guys, don't be rude." Darry scolded them, he was making breakfast. "Want some eggs Mikaela?"

"Sure." I mumbled, grabbing a plate, and Darry scooped some eggs onto it. "Thank you."

I headed to the couch and sat by Two. 

"How are you feeling Kael?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I lied, that dream terrified me, and my arm was throbbing. 

"Are you sure?" He questioned.

"Yes." I hissed, I didn't mean to, I just didn't like all of these questions.

The gang all turned their heads to look at me.

"I'm sorry." I said, under my breath.

"Hey, Soda, we should be gettin' to work." Steve called.

"Pony, you need to get to school." Darry said, pointing a finger at him.

"Me and Johnny'll come too. Unless you want me to stay." Two-bit looked at me.

"I'll be alright." I assured.

"She can come with us to the DX." Steve said, his mouth full of cake. I smiled.

"Alright, Dal, you going with?" Two asked.

"I guess so, I'll keep Mikaela company while those two are working." Dally said, getting up from the couch.

Falling For My Best Friend (Steve Randle x OC)Where stories live. Discover now