Sibling day?

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"Hey, wake up."

"I'm up." I groan and roll over, opening my eyes.

"You still wanna go on our date?" Steve asks. I look over at him and smile. He's laying on his back with his arms crossed.

"Of course I do." I scoot over and connect my lips with his.

"Hey, you guys mind if Pony and Johnny come with you guys?" me and Steve break apart and turn to look at Sodapop. Steve looks at me telling me that its my decision.

"I guess not . . ." I sigh.

"We can take my truck and sit in the bed while watching the movie." Steve says. 

"Okay." I smile and we get up. "I'm just going to put a sweatshirt on quick. You guys can wait out in the living room if you want." I say to Steve, giving him a kiss before he leaves the room. Instead of putting a sweatshirt on, I decided to put on of Steve's DX shirts on. I hold it up to my face and smell his cologne and sweat.
I leave my room and make my way to the living room.

"Ready to go?" Steve asks, sliding an arm around my waist. I nod my head and Ponyboy and Johnny follow us to Steve's truck.


"What was that?" Ponyboy asks.

"Marcia's number. Probably a phony one, too. I must have been outta my mind to ask for it. I think I'm a little soused."
A little is an understatement.

"Y'all goin' home?" Two asks.
"I am. I'm beat and freezin'." I chatter and Steve puts his jacket over me.
"Steve, I don't want you to get a cold." I smile at him.
"Ah, it's alright. I'm always warm." he chuckles. I snuggle into the jacket more.
"I'm goin' to the lot." Johnny says, walking in that direction.
"I'll come with." Ponyboy follows.
"Alright, see you guys later." I shout and Steve and I head to the house. "Don't forget to be back by twelve!"


"I'm goin' to bed." I tell Steve, after we explain to Darry where Pony is. Darry's in the armchair while Soda is on the couch.

"Alright, goodnight." he says, while kissing me on the forehead. I head off to my room and don't even bother to change into pajamas before hopping into bed.


I heard a loud crash and yelling followed.

"Ponyboy . . . I didn't mean to!"

I threw the covers off of me and rushed into the living room, only to see the front door slamming shut. I run to the window and see Sodapop tackling Ponyboy. I watched for a while as they talked. By 'they' I mean Darry, Soda, Steve, and Pony. Soon they came walking back and I didn't want them to think that I was stalking them or something, so I ran back to my room and pretended that I was asleep. I couldn't fall back asleep, so I decided to take the chance and head to the living room.

"What are you doing up?" Darry grumbles. I was a little confused as to why it sounded like he was mad at me.

"Sorry, just got into a misunderstanding with Pony."
"It's okay Dar." I say and walk over to Steve, who is now sitting on the couch. I lay my head on his shoulder and he wraps an arm around me.

"Are you tired?" I ask him. He nods and gets up.

I crawl into bed and snuggle into him.

"What do you want for your birthday?" he asks. It's already been two months?

"I don't know." I shrug. "Hey, how did you know that's tomorrow is my birthday?"
"Oh, um I asked Two-bit." he smiles nervously.
"It's okay, I forgot about my birthday, too." I say.
"What about a Polaroid camera?" Steve asks.
"For your birthday. You're always goin' on about how much you want one."
"Oh, yeah. That would be nice. But, I don't need one, Steve. Besides, I have all I could ever want. I have the gang." I say, and it's true. Although I really would like a Polaroid camera, I don't want them wasting their money on me.
"You should probably get some rest for your big day tomorrow." Steve suggests.

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