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I wake up the next morning to a terrible headache. I groan. Steve slings an arm over me.

"You okay, baby?" he asks and I roll over to face him.

"My head hurts." I groan again. No matter what I do, the pain won't go away.

"Yeah, you've got a little bit of a hangover." he strokes his thumb over my cheek.

"I'll go get you a couple Aspirins." he says while getting out of bed. I go to the bathroom and splash some water on my face, thing and brush my hair and head to the living room. Steve walks over to me and hands me a few aspirins and a glass of water. After taking them, I sit down on the couch and place my head in my hands. Two-bit is sitting in front of the TV with a bottle of beer and a cake. Darry's in the armchair and Dally is on the opposite and of the couch. Pony is in th bathroom combing his hair and Steve is eating a piece of cake outside the bathroom. Soda is just getting out of the shower.

"Where's that blue shirt I washed yesterday?" Soda asks.

"Hate to tell you, buddy, but you have to wear clothes to work. There's a law or something." Steve says, his accent can be heard. Steve is flat on the ground. Darry had picked him up and dropped him a little bit ago. 

"Oh, yeah. Where're those wheat jeans, too?" Sodapop asks.

"I ironed. They're in my closet. Hurry up, you're gonna be late." Darry booms.

"I'm hurryin', I'm hurryin'." Soda runs back. Steve follows and soon the sound of a pillow fight can be heard.

"I had one of those dreams last night. The one I can't ever remember." I hear Ponyboy say and I lift my head out of my hands. My head pounds and I groan. I see Darry spin around with a look of fear on his face.

"What?" he asks.

"Was it very bad?" Two asks.

"No," Ponyboy says bluntly, but I can tell he's lying. Just then, Steve and Soda walk into the room.

"You know what?" Sodapop speaks, "When we stomp the Socies good, me and Stevie here are gonna throw a big party and everybody can get stoned. Then we'll go chase the Socs clear to Mexico." he messes up Steve's hair.

"Where you gonna get the dough, little man?" Darry asks while handing out pieces of cake. I politely deny.

"I'll think of somethin'."

"What do you mean, 'after we stomp the Socies good'?" I pipe up while everyone else stares at me blankly. 

"Well, we're havin' a rumble tonight. The Shepherd gang and ours are havin' it out with the Socs." Ponyboy blurts out and the rest of the gang glares at him. "Sorry." he grumbles.

"You guys are gonna get hurt real bad, aren't ya?" I ask, slightly agitated. I had to take care of them enough. I don't need them getting hurt, too. I would just have to baby them even more. They all slowly nod.

"Hey, uh, if you want, I could ask Aria to come over." Two-bit mumbles.

"Who's Aria?" I look at him.

"Oh, she's-"

"His girlfriend." Soda interrupts.

"Oh, um, sure." I say before groaning, my head continues to throb.

"Hey, I almost forgot." Steve says while walking into the kitchen and coming back out with a smallish sized box and a skinny box, both wrapped up. "You never got to open Two-bit and I's present's for ya." he smiles, handing the boxes to me. I unwrap the smaller one first. It's a switchblade with a handle made of deer antler. One side of the handle has words carved in it.

[Mikaela Lynn Mathews]
(Smile. Life is too short to be unhappy)

"Thanks Two." I shoot him a smile and he copies.

"Now open mine." Steve demands. He's practically jumping up and down. I shove my new switchblade into my back jeans pocket. I unwrap the second box.

"Steve!" I gasp. It's a Polaroid camera. I set the box on the couch and rush over to Steve, wrapping him in a hug despite my headache. He wraps his arms around me and I look up at him. Our lips meet and someone lets out a wolf-whistle.

"Thank you, Steve." I smile.

"You're welcome, Kaela." he smiles back. I kiss him again.

"Hey, we gotta get to work now!" Darry yells.

"C'mon Steve!" Soda laughs.

"Are you comin' with today?" Steve looks down at me. I nod and follow them out the door, after putting the Polaroid camera in my room. I hop into Darry's truck right next to Steve, then pull out my new switchblade to examine it.

"Your middle name is Lynn?" Steve asks.

"Yeah." I look at him.

"That's pretty." Steve smiles, making me blush. "But not as pretty as you." (So cliche. smh)

"Steve!" I giggle.

"Hey Steve." Soda yells from the front seat of the truck. 


"Quit flirtin'. It's makin' me gag."

Steve turns bright red so I plant a kiss on his cheek and lace my fingers with his. Before I know it, we've arrived at the DX.

"I'm workin' at the register today!" Soda yells.

"Alright." Steve grumbles, "He doesnt want to work on the car. Can't seem to figure out what's wrong with it." Steve swings our hands back and forth while we walk to the garage.

Falling For My Best Friend (Steve Randle x OC)Where stories live. Discover now