Who's This?

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"Hey, Kael." 

"What, what are you doing here?" I stood up.

"What, didn't you miss me?" he smirked.

"Oh, um, yeah, yeah, of course, but I-"

"I know, I should've called before I showed up."

"How did you know where to find me?"

"I know a guy."

"Right." I nodded.

"Kaela, who's this?" Steve asked from behind me.

"Oh, this is Ezekial. He was one of my friends, back in Alaska."

"One of your friends?" Ezekial scoffed. "That's and understatement. I'm her best friend."

"No, I am." Steve said, it came out as more of a question. "Why didn't you tell me about him?" Steve whispered.

"I didn't think it was important." I whispered back.

"Well, it is."

"Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to ask if you know any good places to get some food. Im starvin', man."

"Well, um, there's The Dingo."

"Sounds...nice. Care to join me?"

"She's busy." Steve placed his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off.

"No, im not busy. We can go now, if you'd like." 

"Great, come on." He reached for my wrist but I pulled it away, following him outside. We walked to The Dingo and ordered a couple cokes.

"So, how are you?" Zeke asked.

"Im fine." I moved my straw around.

"This town is a bit of a dump." I looked up, glaring.

"I grew up here. It's not a dump. You may not believe it but there are good people here."

"Jeez, I'm sorry. You know, you're different, you dont seem happy here."

"You just caught me in a bad mood. I'm not always like that."

"Oh, right. So, are you busy tonight?"

"I don't know, why?" What was with Zeke, couldn't he take a hint? I didn't want him here. I wasn't his friend anymore.

"How about we go out, for dinner." He grinned.

"Sorry, I have to go." I got up from the booth and started toward the door.

"Wait, Kaela!"

"What, what do you want from me? Don't you get it? I don't want you here, I don't want to be around you." I realized what I said and started to apologize. "Zeke, I, I didn't mean that."

"No, I get it. You've made new friends. You're embarrassed to be around me. You don't know, though."

"What are you talking about?" I stepped back as he stepped closer.

"I like you. I've always liked you."

"You don't know what you're talking about." I said quietly as he inched closer. 

"Yes, I do." He whispered before pressing his lips to mine. As soon as it registered in my brain what was happening, I pushed him off and slapped him.

"Ow! Shit! What was that for?" He yelled and put his hands up to the side of his face.

"Stay away from me." I breathed and took off back to the DX. As I neared, I wiped my tears with the palm of my hand and calmed myself down, then walked in.

"Where's that guy? Whats going on with you two?" Steve swarmed me with questions. I looked up at him and his face softened. "Hey, whats wrong? Are you okay?"

"He, he kissed me, Steve." I said softly.

"What? Where is he?" I could see the anger in his eyes.

"I don't know. I slapped him." I could see Steve hiding a smile and he pulled me into a hug.

"That's my girl."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" He pulled away.

"For what I said last night and for going with Zeke, I shouldn't have done that."

"It's alright." He kissed my forehead.

"Are you guys back to normal now?" Soda asked.

I nodded and he smiled.

"Hey, Soda, what time is it?" I asked.

"Um, almost five, why?"

"Oh, shit. I have to go, I'm supposed to help Darry with dinner. I'll see you guys later, bye!" I turn back around quickly and give Steve a quick kiss on the lips and rush out of the gas station and to the Curtis house. When I enter the house, I can smell food and see Darry cooking.

"I'm sorry i'm late, I just lost track of time..."

"It's fine, but don't be late again. Can you hand me the salt? Thank you."

Darry and I made spaghetti and meatballs, along with garlic bread and green beans. By the time Pony and Johnny got home from school, we were almost finished. Pony came into the kitchen and stole some garlic bread. I glared at him as he took off with it. A while after I heard the door open and close a second time, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Hi Steve."

"Hi." He said and kissed my neck.

"Steve, i'm trying to cook." I laughed.

"Well, can't you take a break?"

"No, we're almost done, anyway."

"Good." He kissed me.

"Steve." I scolded.

"I'm going."

I got out the plates while Darry plopped some spaghetti on them, and I put the green beans and garlic bread on. As soon as I set them down at the table, the boys rushed over and started eating. I shook my head and sat down next to Steve. 

"So, how was work today?" I asked Darry.

"It was fine." He shrugged.

"Okay..." I shook it off and began to eat. As soon as I did, Steve kicked me from under the table. I looked over at him and he smirked. I rolled my eyes and went back to my food. He kicked me again, this time I kicked him back. We went back and forth for a while until Darry said, "Would you two quit playin' footsie?" I could feel my face getting red and I looked down at my plate.But Steve had other things in mind, he decided to kick me, again.

"Steve." I glared. He finally stopped after that, but then he decided to put his hand on my thigh. My back straightened and I took a sharp breath. What was up with him? He's never does this kind of stuff before. I mean, first kissing me while I was cooking, and on the neck no less. Then kicking me, now placing his hand on my thigh. Whatever, I thought and ignored it.

Kinda short and I know I said it would be out yesterday, but I didn't have enough time. It's a bit dramatic, too. But, I hope you like it! 




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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