I Am Going To Live, Right?

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"Ow! Steve, that hurts!" I yelp as Steve presses a towel to my face.

"I'm sorry! I need to clean these cuts though." Steve replies. He presses the towel to my lip.

"Steve!" I complain and inhale sharply from the sting.

He sets the towel down and looks at me. His hand is holding him up as he leans on the counter, towel underneath his fingers. He stares intently at me and I begin to feel uncomfortable. I shift my body while still sitting on the counter. I guess he see's and looks away.

"I'm done." he says while walking over and helping me off of the counter, though he knows that I can do it just fine by myself, "You might want to put some ices on a couple of those bruises, though. And try not to talk too much, looks like Dally split you lip, pretty good too."

I turn around and look at myself, specifically my face in the mirror. There's a bruise forming under my eye on my cheek, one on my jaw, and, of course, my cut lip. From in the mirror, I can see Steve standing behind me, looking at me. His hair is all greased up and combed back in thick, complicated swirls. He has his DX shirt unbuttoned. His muscles stand out like sore thumbs.

I need to get a hold of myself, geez! 

I need to tell Steve that I like him, as much as I hate to. I turn around to face him and look into his eyes.

"Steve I-"

"Hey, Steve, we're gonna be late to work. Hurry up!"

"I'm sorry." Steve says, putting his hands on my shoulders and walking by, "Tell me what you were going to say, later, okay?"

"Yep," I sigh, "No problem."

I stand there, examining my bruises and cuts, until I hear the front door close. I walk out of the bathroom and to the kitchen, where Darry, Pony, Johnny, and Two-bit are. So is Dallas.

"Hey Two." I say and wince as the cut on my lip stretches.

"You okay Kael?" he asks while walking over with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah, my lip just hurts." I wince again.

"Huh, I wonder why." Two grins.

"Golly, that's a big cut on your lip." Ponyboy says, walking over, "Hey Darry, come look at the cut on Mikaela's lip!"

"I really don't think it's that -ouch- big of a deal," I say, once again wincing.

"That's a pretty big cut, deep too." Darry says, examining it, "Kael, I hate to say it, but I think you need stitches."

My stomach drops and my eyes widen.

"No," I say, "No no no no no no. No way, uh uh."

"I'm sorry Mikaela, It's just what has to be done." Darry sighs, "We'll take you to the hospital. I would do it myself, but I don't want to risk messing up and they have the right supplies."

"Nuh uh, there ain't no way you're getting me in that truck."


Well, here I am, 10 minutes later in, can you guess? I know, very surprising. I have to sit in the back, between Pony and Johnny. Pony's by the door so I cant jump out, and Johnny is separating me and Dallas. Yes, he had to come with.

After a while, we finally arrive at the hospital. The boys have to practically drag me in.
Darry speaks to the lady at the front desk about my lip, and after, he comes and sits by us.

"Mikaela.....Mathews?" a doctor questions, looking up from his clip board.

I get up and the boys follow.

"Uh, I'm sorry, only family members can come in." The doctor says after turning around and stopping.

"Well I'm her brother," Two-bit states.

"And I'm her cousin," Darry lies, "You guys wait here." He tells Pony, Johnny, and Dallas.

"Alright," The doctor says and resumes walking until we reach a room.

"Please have a seat." he tells Darry and Two-bit, "And you can sit up here Ms. Mathews." he points to something like a bed.

"So, it says here that you've got a pretty good cut on your lip?"

"Yes, sir." I say and look at Two-bit, who gives me a reassuring smile.

"Well, lets take a look at it, shall we?" he says and rolls his chair over.

"What do you think sir?" Darry asks.

"It seems to me . . ." he pauses to write something on his clip board, "That you are going to need some stitches. We can get you into a room in about, "he checks his watch, "5 minutes."

Fear spreads through my body like a wildfire and my stomach drops.

"I'll just need to call some of our friends quick, to let them know what's going on." Darry says, getting up from his chair.

"Of course, go right ahead," the doctor says.

Darry leaves the room to go call, i'm guessing, Sodapop and Steve.

"Two-bit, I don't want to do this." I whine.

"Hey, you're going to be fine." He says, giving me a small smile.

"I still don't want to." I say.

"Well, that's too bad." Two grins.

"Mikaela Mathews? We're ready for you." a nurse calls.

"I love you!" Two says.

"Damn, you're making it seem like I'm going to die," I chuckle nervously, "I am going to live, right?"

"Ya, you goon, just say you love me back." Two chuckles.

"You love me back." I smirk.

"God, you're such an idiot. I'll see you later." Two-bit says while walking away.

"Wait, just in case if I don't make it," I walk up to him and plant a kiss on his cheek jokingly, "I love you!" he rolls his eyes and I follow the doctor and nurses into a cool room. 

They motion for me to lay on the bed, so I do.

"We're going to give you something to make you fall asleep so things don't hurt." the doctor explains, and I nod.

After setting everything up, and getting all of the equipment they need together, they place a mask like thing over my face, and everything goes black.


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