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We reached the Curtis door and Steve let go of my hand as we walked through the door. Two-bit, Ponyboy, Johnny, and Darry were all in the living room. Darry was the first to look up at us. I could see confusion, then anger brimming in his eyes.

"What happened?" He spoke.

"I-i'm sorry Darry, I was just going for a short walk and then I saw this gang of Socs. I had seen them at the DX before with Johnny and Ponyboy. And I-i don't know, I just froze and then they tried kidnapping me and-" I hadn't noticed that I was crying, but I did now.

"Hey, don't cry." Johnny said, getting up and walking over.

"Let's get you four cleaned up." Darry sighed.

"Wait, don't you mean the boys?" I asked.

"No, I mean you, too. You've got a small gash on your forehead." I lifted my hand, shakily, up to my forehead. I pulled my hand away from my head and looked at my fingers, they were covered in blood. My eyes widened and I felt my stomach flip.

"I can clean Mikaela up while you deal with Dal and Soda." Steve offered. Two-bit looked at him, weirdly. I follow him to the bathroom and he starts running the water. I sit on the counter as he puts a towel under the faucet. He rang the towel out before gently pressing it to my forehead. His face looked so serious. It was hard not to laugh. He looked cute like that. Wait, what am I thinking?! He's my best friend for crying out loud!

"Steve!" I giggled as he pressed the towel to my forehead. "I should be taking care of you, not the other way around."

He looked at me and smiled a toothless kind of smile, but It made my stomach flip. What is going on with me? First, I start thinking about my best friend as cute and now I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach whenever he smiles or talks?

He stuck the towel back in the sink and held his hand out to me.

"Guess I've got my own personal nurse now, huh?" Steve said, still smiling, as I took his hand and jumped off of the counter.

"My turn to take care of you." I said, taking a hold of one of his wrists and dabbing it with the towel. Then, I did the other wrist.

"Hang on, I'm going to get some ice for your jaw." I told him, setting the towel down on the counter, and walked to the kitchen.

"Hey, is there any ice?" I called to Darry, who was sitting in the armchair in the living room.

"Yeah, its in the freezer."

"Thanks." I said taking a bag and walking back to the bathroom.

"I got some ice." I told Steve while walking over to him. I placed the bag against his jaw and he put his hand over mine. I forgot how to breath for a minute, and got that weird feeling in my stomach again. I suddenly heard footsteps and slid my hand out from underneath his.

"There's a movie starting." Dally stuck his head in, "Is there something going on that I should know?"

"No, she was just cleaning me up." Steve told him.

"Alright." Dally said, and walked out of the door and back to the living room. I started to follow but Steve stopped me by grabbing my arm with his hand.

"Wait, what about my lip?" He asked.

"Put some chap stick on it."

Falling For My Best Friend (Steve Randle x OC)Where stories live. Discover now