You Call Them Swear Words, I Call Them Sentence Enhancers

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My eyes fluttered open as I felt hands shaking me awake. I flung my arm back hitting something soft and herd someone groan. I sat up and looked at who it was, they were bent over slightly, clutching their stomach.

"Soda! I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you, I thought you were Keith!" Getting out of bed, I walked over to him, "I'm so sorry Soda," I didn't know what else to do so I started laughing. I was glad when he started chuckling, I knew then that he was fine. Not that I thought that I really hurt him all that bad.

"It's alright," He said in between laughs, "We're all heading to the DX right now, well, besides Dally and Darry."

"Oh, okay, thank you. I'm just going to change quick and I'll be right out!" I exclaimed while unzipping my suitcase and pulling jeans and a grey t-shirt out, heading to the bathroom while Sodapop exited my room, closing the door behind him. I changed into the jeans and shirt, brushed my hair and teeth and headed downstairs.

"Morning Kael," I heard Keith say while chugging down a beer. I slipped on my shoes and tied them.

I got up from the floor after I tied my shoes and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I walked over to the entrance of the kitchen to where I could see the TV and stood there, watching TV and drinking my water. 


"What the hell!" I yelped as my water ran down my shirt. I turned around to see Dallas behind me, I glared at him.

"Hey! No swearing, kid," I heard Keith yell.

"You call them swear words, I call them sentence enhancers," I set my glass down and grabbed a towel and began drying myself off, "And besides, you swear all the time."

"Yeah, well- I mean-"

"She's not wrong," Ponyboy spoke up.

"That doesn't mean you need to Kael."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"We should get going," Steve spoke up. He must have been in the bathroom or something because I didn't seem him when I came downstairs. 

"Right," Soda stood up from his seat and Keith followed, setting his beer on the table.

I placed the towel on the counter and followed the gang, minus Darry and Dally, out the door. We decided to walk to the DX today since it was nice out. I walked with Soda and Steve, they talked about girls and cars, mostly girls though, so I felt left out. Steve snuck glances at me every once and a while. I felt a bit left out of their conversation so I slowed down my pace and decided to walk with Ponyboy and Johnny. I don't think Soda or Steve notice, and I was a little disappointed, after all, me and Steve used to hang out all the time before I left. 

"Hey," I mumbled as I walked with Pony and Johnny.

"Mikaela?" Pony asked.

"Yeah?" I looked at him.

"What do you call a dog with no legs?"

"I dunno, what do you call one?"I questioned.

"It doesn't matter what you call him, 'cause he ain't comin'," He smiled. I snorted and Johnny chuckled. My snort must have been loud enough for Soda and Steve to hear because out of the corner of my eye I saw Steve look back at us with a weird look on his face, jealousy? We arrived at the DX and Steve headed to the actual garage part of the gas station and Soda headed to the cash register. Two-Bit headed to the garage with Steve.

"Hey, I can work at the cash register if you want to go back with Two and Steve," I offered to Sodapop.

"Gee, thanks Mikaela," he smiled and I returned it. I walked behind the cash register and sat on the stool there. Johnny and Pony pulled up a couple more stools behind me and sat down too. We talked for a while until we heard the door open. I looked away from the two boys and at the person who walked in, or rather, the people, who walked in.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely.

"Hey there doll, aren't you looking good," I rolled my eyes as they walked forwards.

"Can I help you," I asked again, though it was more of a statement.

"Yeah, come with us, we can show you a good time."

"How about you leave her alone and just tell us what you need," Pony scoffed.

"How about, no," They laughed and I saw Ponyboy starting to stand up and head towards them. I stood up and held him back and shook my head. 

"Whatever," They grumbled, "We just need our car fixed."

"I'll go tell them," Johnny whispered into my ear, I nodded.

"Just bring it around back," I sighed, annoyed.

"Yeah, alright," One of them grumbled as they walked out the door, getting in their car.

I heard two sets of footsteps walking back towards Pony and I. 

"Hey, how you doin' Kael," Two-bit asked as Johnny came and sat back down on his stool again.

"Fine, why?" I cocked my head.

"Nothing, just wondering if you're bored yet," he chuckled, "I can man the register if you guys want to go get something to eat, or whatever."

"You guys want to go get some food?" Ponyboy asked me and Johnny.

"Im starving," Johnny said, hopping off of his stool.

"I could go for some food," I jumped off my chair.

We headed out of the gas station and I followed Pony and Johnny.

A little longer than the last chapter. Please let me know how you thought about it! And you don't have to comment or vote if you don't want to!

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