They killed you

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I woke up with a jolt, covered in cold sweat. My throat hurt, I must have been screaming. I had that dream that I was falling again. But after that I had a dream that I was being kidnapped again.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sodapop asked. All three Curtis brothers were standing at my door.

"Yeah, just a bad dream."

"Oh, okay." They started to leave.

"Wait." They stopped. "Could you call Steve? Please?"

"Uh, yeah sure."

They left and Soda went to the kitchen to call Steve. Last time I had a nightmare Steve was there and I didn't have it again. So I figured that if Steve was here that I wouldn't have those nightmares again. It was worth a try.

About 5 minutes later I heard the front door open, then shut.

"Is everything alright?" I heard Steve ask, he sounded worried.

"It's Mikaela." Soda said.

"Well, is she okay? Did something happen to her?"

"She's alright, I think, she just woke up screaming and wanted me to call you." I heard footsteps walking my way.

"Hey Kaela, bad dream?" Steve asked. I looked at him and nodded.

"Alright." He said.

"Steve, could you lay with me?" I asked. Steve looked surprised but happy.

"Of course." He smiled and laid down beside me. I closed my eyes waiting for an uneventful sleep.


No! Steve! Please, stop, don't hurt him! I yelled, sobbing. The Socs had kidnapped me again and Steve had come to help but the Socs attacked him and were now beating him up. After receiving a blow to the head with a branch, he crumpled to the ground. I rushed over to him, checking his pulse......nothing...... I couldn't help it, I sobbed into his chest, it wasn't moving.....he was dead. I didn't even get to tell him how I felt, feel, about him.

I flung my eyes open, panting, my eyes searched the room frantically. I was in a panicked state, I felt my heart racing, I couldn't calm down.

"No, don't- don't touch me!" I yelled when I felt a hand grab my arm.

"I'm not going to hurt you, listen to me, you're safe." I heard Steve's voice and it calmed me down slightly. "You were yelling at someone to stop, and they were hurting someone. And then you said my name, you started crying, too. Do you want to talk about it?"

"I- I had a dream about the Socs kidnapping me again, but this time when you came to help me, you were alone and then they started hurting you, I tried to get them to stop." Tears ran down my face and I looked into his calm green eyes. "Steve, they killed you."

"Hey, I'm not going to leave you, ever, okay?" He said as he placed his forehead against mine, I nodded. "You're everything to me."

I swear my heart stopped. My eyes widened and I looked into his. "Steve...."

"I-i'm sorry I shouldn't have that-"

"Steve." I gazed into his emerald eyes.

"Yeah?" He lifted his eyes up to mine.

"You're everything to me, too." I confessed and he smiled.

"Just- just promise me that you won't let them kill you." I demanded.

"Mikaela, they aren't going to kill me-."

"Just promise me, Steve"

"I promise."

"You should get some rest now." He said, putting his arm over me.

"Will you make the nightmares go away?" I asked.

"I'd do anything for you Mikaela." At that, I smiled and closed my eyes.

Falling For My Best Friend (Steve Randle x OC)Where stories live. Discover now