What's his name? Steve?

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I sat at the cash register once again and waited for customers. I got bored so I got up and went to the garage part of the gas station. Steve was working underneath a car and Soda was working on the engine. 

"Hey, I'm going for a quick walk, I'll be back soon." I told them.

"Alright." Sodapop said after looking up at me.

I walked out of the DX leaving Dallas to manage the register. I had been walking for a couple of minutes before I saw a group of people walking towards me. I froze as they continued walking towards me. A smirk appeared on the leader's face. I knew that even if I tried to fight back, I wouldn't be able to get away. It was five against one, and they were stronger than me. I could tell that we were near the DX, how far, I didn't know. They were Socs, I could tell by their clothes and the way they talked. They were the same Socs that were at the DX the day that me, Johnny, and Ponyboy were working the register. They all wore khakis and madra's. They were acting hurried, as if they wanted to make sure that no one would get to me, or to make sure nobody saw what was happening.

"We need to hide her somewhere." One of them stated.

"No, we'll wait for one of her friends to try to come and save her."

"What if they don't? Then what do we do?" Another one asked.

"Then we'll take her to an abandoned house somewhere, if they don't come in 10 minutes."

I was sweating, breathing hard, and scared out of my mind. I tried to get away from the Socs. I was afraid, I couldn't think. I didn't know what they would do to me, or if anyone would save me. I was scared to death. I tried screaming, yelling, anything I could do to get someone to help me. The Socs tied my hands behind me and put a piece of fabric in my mouth gagging me. They then slipped something over my eyes, and it was like someone had turned the sun off, if that was possible.

I tried to writhe out of their grasp, but they held me back. They eventually threw me to my knees and told me to stay still. The fabric was tied behind my head, tightly. I tried yelling for Steve, then Soda, finally Dally, since they were near where I was, at least, I thought so.

"If you don't shut up, we'll drag your friend into this. What's his name? Steve?"

"No, please, don't hurt him."

"Then you'd better stay quiet." One of them snarled.

I decided that it would be best to stay quiet, so I did.

They had me on the ground, tied up, blindfolded and gagged for what seemed like hours, but was probably only 10 minutes. I could hear the Socs talking, about what, I didn't know, but what I did know, was that it couldn't be good. I kept my mouth shut, following through with my promise. I didn't want them to hurt Steve. I didn't know how I felt about him, whether I considered him as a friend, or more than that. I was sure that I didn't want him getting hurt.

I could hear yelling and footsteps heading towards us. The group of Socs began scurrying around, as far as I could tell, or hear. The yelling continued getting closer and I could feel the tears still streaming down my face. My heart was still beating out of my chest and it was hard to breath, especially with the fabric in my mouth.

I knew that the Socs were fighting someone, or a group of people, because I could hear grunts and people hitting things. I guess that my screaming had been worth it. Or maybe they had just been walking by. Whoever it was, I would be grateful and in their dept.

I heard someone running towards me and tensed up, not knowing if it was my kidnappers or the rescuer. I then felt hands behind my head, they were untying the fabric that gagged me. They then untied my hands from around my back. Finally they slipped the fabric around my eyes off. I looked up.

"Steve?" I whispered.

"Shh, you'll be alright, nobody can hurt you now."

"Steve, I was so scared, I didn't know what to do, I froze. I-" He cut me off. I had started rambling.

"I'll always be there for you, never forget that, okay?" I nodded.

"Come here," He held his arms out, "It's going to be okay."

I wrapped my arms around him, sobbing into his shoulder.

"You want to go back to Soda's house? We can watch a movie and have some hot chocolate, you might feel better after." Steve pulled back. I looked up at him and nodded. He pressed his lips to my forehead, earning a bit of shock from me, and helped me up.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sodapop asked, as he jogged over, Dally following behind. I noticed that Dally's knuckles were red and starting to bruise and Soda's were the same. I looked down at Steve's hands and noticed that his were also red and bruising. Then I looked up at his face and noticed that his lip was cut and he had a bruise on his jaw. He caught me looking at him and smiled. I looked back down and blushed.

"Let's head back to the house." Soda said and he and Dally turned around and started walking back. I felt Steve's hand brush mine, then he slipped his hand around mine squeezing it, pressing his palm against my palm. I looked up at him and smiled, he looked down at me and did the same.

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