No Steve

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I groan and roll onto my side.

"Hey, she's up!" I hear someone tell. 

I keep my eyes closed. My lip is throbbing, then again, my whole face hurts. I groan again.
I hear someone walk into the room and feel a hand stroke my forehead.

"How are you feeling?" A calming voice asks, I can instantly tell that it's Steve, by his voice, and his calloused hand. I open my eyes and see Steve's face, inches away from mine.

"My face hurts." I whine.

"I know it does, it's gonna for a while." he says, "Your bruises make you look tuff though." I smile a little.

"Are you hungry? Darry make breakfast."

"A little, I don't know how eating is going to be, with my lip and all."

"I can get you something soft, like applesauce, or something like that." Steve smiles.
I start to get up, but Steve stops me. I look at him confused.

"You stay in bed. We'll get you anything you need."

"Thanks Steve," I smile, "That's real sweet of you."

"Do you want some ice cream? You still like vanilla, right?" he asks.

"Yes Steve," I giggle.

"Ice cream it is," he says and rushes out of the room.

I chuckle to myself, he acts like such a little kid sometimes, it's adorable.

"How are you doing?" I look at the door and see Two-bit walking over.

"My face hurts like hell, especially my bottom lip." I groan.

"Want me to get you anything?" I can see the sympathy filling his eyes.

"I'm good Two, but thank you for asking. Steve is actually getting me ice cream right now." I smile.

"Boy, that kid really digs you, doesn't he?" Two asks, chuckling a little. I feel my stomach flip, and my heart race.

"W-what do you mean Two?" I stutter.

"He fancies you. He talks about you all the time. I see the way he looks at ya, and the way you look at him. Shoot, that kid would jump off a bridge for you." He cocks and eyebrow, "Ya'know, you two would be cute together."
I blush and look away.

"I'm serious!" Two almost yells, "You should tell him."

"Tell who what?" Steve asks while walking in with a bowl of ice cream.

"Nothing," I shake my head. Steve stands in the doorway with a confused look plastered on his face.

"I'll tell ya later," Two-bit chuckles while patting Steve on the shoulder and walking away.

"What was that all about?" Steve asks and looks over at me, still standing in the same spot.

"It ain't important," I reply, though it is, somewhat.

"Alright." He says while walking over to the small bedside table and setting the ice cream down, smiling at me.
I grab the bowl and scoop some Ice cream into my mouth.

"Shit!" I exclaim, "That's cold!"
Steve chuckles and puts his hands in his jean pockets.

"Listen," he begins while I scoop some more ice cram into my mouth, "I know I said that you should stay in bed for the day, but I was thinkin'. Would you want to go down to the bond, in a bit?" his voice is thick with nervousness. I smile and he looks up at me, returning it while his face reddens.

Falling For My Best Friend (Steve Randle x OC)Where stories live. Discover now