Nothing Is Going To Happen To Him.

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*Warning, mention of blood*

"The hell was that?" Dally yelled.

I had those nightmares again. You know, the ones were Im falling and then almost kidnapped and they kill Steve? Those ones.

"Hey, are you alright?" Two-bit asked. All of the guys were standing at my door.

"Yeah." I said, my voice hoarse, "I just need somebody to lay with me, though."

"I will!" Dally smirks.

"Hell no, I'm not letting you sleep with my sister," Two barks, glaring at him, "Whoknows what you'll do." He grumbles the last part.

"It was just a suggestion man." Dally chuckles while throwing his hands up, I roll my eyes.

"What about Steve?" I ask and see Steve raise his eyebrows, "He did last time and it seemed to help."

"I-i don't know, I think I should, you know, since I'm your brother." Two-bit says, "If it doesn't work, then Steve can. No funny business though, If I catch you-"

"Hey! There are little ones present." I say and they chuckle, "And besides, we're just friends."

"Well, we best be gettin' to bed." Darry sighs. All of them agree. Two-bit walks over and climbs into bed.

"You want to tell me about your dreams?" he asks.

"Not really." I say.

"Maybe it would help to, you know, get it off of your chest?" he suggests.

"I guess so." I say, but I know that it won't work, because when I told Steve, it didn't make them go away.


"Well, their mostly about when I fell off of that tree and when those Socs tried kidnapping me. But in the kidnapping one, they kill-" I choke on tears. I don't think that I would be able to live without my best friend, "They kill Steve." I look up at Two.

"Hey, shh, shh, it's alright." he says while stroking my hair, I rest my head on his chest, "Nothing is going to happen to him. Just go to sleep, alright? We'll all be here in the morning."

I nod my head and close my eyes, my head still resting on his chest. I feel him throw a blanket over the both of us.


"I-i'm sorry, d-did I scream?" I stutter.

"No. No, but you're shaking. I though I'd wake you up incase you did start screaming." Two says.

"I'm sorry." I apologise.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." he assures.

 "I'll go get Steve," Two bit says while throwing the blanket off.

I turn to the other side of the bed, so that I'm facing the window, and try to fall asleep.

I hear the bed creak and feel it dip as an arm is slung over me.

"Steve." I breathe as he buries his head in the crook of my neck. I can feel his hot breath, against my cold skin.

"Steve, Two-bit isn't going to like this if he sees-"

"Shh," Steve whispers, tickling my skin, giving me goosebumps and making me shiver, "Just go to sleep."

I sigh and close my eyes trying to drift off to sleep. I feel some what guilty for making him wake up and lay here with me.

Falling For My Best Friend (Steve Randle x OC)Where stories live. Discover now