¥ chapter twenty-seven ¥

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The summer holidays were tough

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The summer holidays were tough. The whole wizard of world felt the effect of the loss of Dumbledore, the aspect of safeness was vanished. It was hard but I recovered quick knowing I could speak to him when I wanted.

Lily and James really struggled not to see Harry everyday. Letters were often exchanged between them but they longed to be reunited once more.

Niko and Sirius sought comfort with one another, often found holding hands or cuddling. It really was a sweet sight, the care was deep between them. Niko was my best friend and he deserves to find love, along with Sirius being like the brother I never had.

Me and Remus were incredible. He treat me like a princess, with small but loving gestures whether it be kissed to the head or never letting go of my hand. I wasn't a fan of large acts of love, the smaller acts had more meaning.

As for me, I struggled to grasp the aspect of war. I was lucky to have been able to bring these fantastic people back but one more act might do me over. With war, death was inevitable, may it be me or someone close or distant.

Being stuck in the house with these people made us a family, knowing or unknowing. Lily and I were exceptionally closer, being the only women in the house. The boys grew closer as well and Niko may as well be part of the Marauders, replacing Peter and rightfully so.

The bond between James and Sirius was lovely to watch, it really looked like they were brothers. Regulus says he's fine with it but I can see the glisten of sadness in his eyes when Sirius refers to James as his brother.

Regulus,Dumbledore and I, discussed the horcruxes often, identifying them as well as trying to locate. Harry and his friends were graced with the task although the others were knowing of it.

Today was the day that we would transport Harry to the Burrow,in time for the wedding of Bill and Fleur. James,Lily,Niko and Sirius were apparating straight to the Burrow instead of assisting, much to their protests.

"Ready love?" Remus asked, offering his arm. I gave him a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"Of course."

With a swirl we landed in the British street, the familiar line of brown houses. I hadn't been here since transferring Harry to Grimmauld and even here looked gloomier.

On arrival,we were met by Moody, Tonks, the Weasley twins, Mundungus and Hermione and Ron. Bill and Fleur also came, this was a risky task.

"Good evening Harry" I said pulling him in for a hug. After the awful night at Hogwarts Harry found comfort in talking to me about his struggles which I appreciated.

What I gathered was the living room,was now empty of furniture and any ornaments. We huddled into the room and Moody took lead.

"Potter, you're underage which means you've still got the trace on you"He stated.

"What's the trace?" Harry confusingly questioned.

"If you sneeze the Ministry will know who wiped your nose," Mad-Eye joked,"the point is,we have to use those means of transport that the Ministry can't detect. Brooms, thestrals and the like, we move in pairs. That way if anyone's out there waiting for us, and I reckon there will be, they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one."

"The...the real one?" Harry frowned,utterly lost. I smiled at his obliviousness, definitely James's son.

"I believe your familiar with this particular brew?" Mad-Eye pulled out a vial of polyjuice potion from his pocket.

Harry instantly clicked on. "No. Absolutely not!"

"Told you he'd take it well" Hermione stated sarcastically.

"No. If you think I'm going to let everyone risk their lives for me-"

"Never done that before" Ron interrupted with sarcasm.

"No," Harry said again," this is different. Taking that, becoming me,no!"

"Well none of us really fancy it mate" Fred imputed, backed up by his brother.

"Yeah,imagine if something went wrong and we ended up a scrawny specky git forever." There was groans at there joking but I let out a giggle, Fred sending me a wink. Trust the boys to joke in deathly times.

"Everyone is of age Potter,"Moody said," they've all agreed to take the risks.

"Technically, I've been coerced" Mundungus piped up, I rolled my eyes.

"Piss off Fletcher and grow some balls" I snapped. The room went quiet and Mundungus stepped back into the shadows.

"Blimey Hermione!" Harry yelled when Hermione ripped a piece of hair off Harry's head.

"Straight in there, if you please" Mad-Eye instructed to which she obliged. The potion sizzled and Moody walked up to the twins.

"For those that have taken polyjuice potion before, fair warning, it tastes like goblin piss" He handed the the potion the Fred.

"Have lots of experience with that, do you Mad-Eye? I snorted as Mad-Eye glared at the ginger boy. "Just trying to diffuse the tension."

Soon as the potion was swallowed,the transformation was already taking place. Shortly there was seven Harry Potters stood in one room.

"Wow we're identical!" George and Fred exclaimed at the same time. I laughed and left the room so they could change. Sitting on the doorstep, I gazed at the twinkling stars.

"It'll will be okay you know" Remus said planting,himself next to me. He draped and arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer. His smell of chocolates and old parchment instantly calmed me.

"I... I just have a feeling in my stomach and it's not a good one. Promise me you will stay safe Remus, promise me" I stared at him seriously. He looked beautiful in the small orange glow of the lamp.

"I promise you Octavia as long as you do the same."

"I promise."

The seven Harry's filed out the door and I grabbed the one I believed to be Fred.

"Come on Fred, get behind me" I signalled for the place on the back of my broom.

"I thought you were with Remus? If he's not satisfying you enough, all you have to do is ask" I snorted but rolled my eyes.

"Watch your mouth Fred" Remus said sternly. I loved how jealous he got.

"Besides, Remus is more than satisfactory" I retorted sending a wink at Remus. He blushed and grinned at me while Fred gagged.

"Alright alright woman,let's go!"

With that we flew off into the night sky, unaware there was a party waiting for us.

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