¥ chapter twenty-two ¥

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The rest of us sat outside, gazing at the stars

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The rest of us sat outside, gazing at the stars.

"Where's Tonks?" I asked, trying to break the silence. Only Molly replied.

"Her mother and father aren't well, decided she wanted to spend as much time with them."

I silently nodded. If you asked me if I liked silence this time last year, I wouldn't even complain if I was told my life would be spent that way. Now, I feared silence. Everyone was basked in their own thoughts, it was deafening.

"I'm going to go... talk to Sirius and Regulus" I muttered quiet enough for Remus to hear. Even though everyone knows of my power, it just felt wrong to say such things out load. As I turned away to leave, Remus's firm hand grasped my wrist.

"I'll come with you" He said firmly.

"I look crazy, you wouldn't be able to see or hear them" I chuckled slightly. The others were in quiet discussions and paid no attention to me nor Remus.

"You can tell me what they're saying, maybe I could help" Remus smiled softly. This was just one of the many things I loved about him. Even though it wasn't his problem and fair out of his capabilities, he still wanted to help.

Smiling softly I said "Okay then Remmy, come with me."

I took him to a small parting in the woods and sat down on a chopped log, Remus beside me.

"Merry Christmas boys" I chirped at the side of the Black brothers. As Regulus died young the similarities between the two weren't as prominent as I supposed they would of been. Regulus still had smooth pale skin and a skinny teenage frame. Sirius was much more masculine in his appearance but also rather skinny.

"Merry Christmas Tavia, before you ask I'm not telling you how the Potter family reunion is going" Sirius said sternly. I rolled my eyes but I understood the privacy." Ah I see you and Moony are rather cosy" he smirked, winking at me.

"Regulus, have use decided yet because I'm strongly leaning towards bringing you back and leaving this arrogant git" I joked, although I wasn't really sure who I wanted to return.

Bringing back Sirius would reunite Remus with his brothers, Harry would have his family and they would be inseparable. Of course Sirius was also like a brother to me and I certainly missed the comfort of his arms.

On the other hand, Regulus and I also got on well. He was calmer and mature for his age, his age. This was the main factor for wanting to bring him back. He was only eighteen years old, he never had a chance to even attempt life, stuck in the Black crazy family rules.

"I'm afraid our conversations on that topic get a bit heated so we're giving it a rest for a bit" Regulus replied, giving his brother the middle finger.

"Oi,don't be a bellend Reg, it's not a good look on you" Said Sirius, blowing his brother a kiss.I burst out laughing at the antics.

"What's happening?" Said a confused Remus next to me. I felt bad about forgetting he couldn't hear.

"Basically they're in arguments about who to bring back next as I don't know if I'll have the power to bring both of them back. Then they're just being typical Blacks and acting cocky" I filled Remus in who snorted.

"Maybe don't bring back either of them" he said sarcastically and I giggled. Remus looked at me when I laughed and smiled profusely.

"Your laugh is adorable."

"Oh stop it you flirt" I said, hitting him softly. He cupped my face with his hand and stroked my cheek.

"You are adorable sweetheart. Being with you, talking with you, laughing with you, that's what I adore the most."

My face was burning up rapidly and thankfully Sirius interrupted with gagging noises.

"Ew but also wow, Moony is so dreamy" Sirius said trying to kiss Remus. I snorted loudly which caused Remus to pull away confused.

"I'm... sorry... it's just Sirius is technically kissing you right now" I said panting with laughter. Remus jerked and started punching the air.

"Why are you a nuisance even in death Padfoot" he exclaimed, still fighting the air.

"Because I'm a Black Moony, you love it really" he smirked at himself.

"He said that he's an idiot who craves attention" I falsely recalled which led to Sirius yelling and protesting. Thankfully I stopped thinking of them and they disappeared.

"Is he like that all the time?" Remus questioned me as we walked back to the group, hand in hand. I let out a chuckle.

"Of course he is, he's a Black."

Once we got back to the group, everyone had started to treacle back inside. Minerva and Albus waited for me.

"Thank you Albie, for taking over in there. My nerves got the better of me" Shamefully, I looked to the floor. If I could I avoided being nervous as to me it was the biggest sign of weakness, that and love.

I loved Albus and I loved Minerva but that was nothing compared to the love I had for Remus. It was infatuating, completely mesmerising. Every time I was in a room of people I would always look at Remus, at his beauty, at his radiating personality. It scared me how much I was in love with him. I was longing to tell him but if I told him the world would know and I dont want him used against me, not when there's a war on.

"It's not a problem dear, I assure you everyone is happy with your achievements, I guess they're just overwhelmed which is understandable" Dumbledore said polite as always. Meanwhile Mcgonagall was staring at the interwoven fingers of me and Remus.

"I see you two have found one another. Although I've been your teacher Mr Lupin, I assure you, if you hurt Octavia in anyway I will make your life hell, do you understand?" Minnie said and I was grinning at her words. Remus gulped and I felt his hands starting to sweat.

"Of course Mcgonagall, I wouldn't dream of hurting Octavia."

"As expected Mr Lupin. It was lovely seeing you dear but me and Albus have some business to resolve. We shall see you again shortly." With a brief hug and wave they apparatus away.

"I think we should go see how the Potters got on don't you?" I asked Remus who pulled me closer to him.

"That we should sweetheart, that we should."

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