¥ chapter thirty-six ¥

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"Octavia..." Remus barely whispered. No one said anything for a while and Lily pushed them all out the room, leaving just me and Remus.

"I'm sorry Remus, I just had to get away for a bit but it's no excuse and I-"

"No no, I'm the sorry one, I shouldn't of snapped at you like that. I just don't like being left in the dark, it makes me feel helpless. I know that you were instructed not tell anyone for all our safety so I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me" Remus interrupted,sitting next to me on the sofa.

"You were already forgiven Remmy" I smiled, grabbing his hand. He looked up from his lap and mischievously grinned, already looking ten times better.

"Let's get married" he mumbled,leaning in and kissing my lips passionately. I giggled a bit and kissed him.

"We already are."

"Tomorrow,just us and the family, right here" he muttered in between kisses. I pulled back and l saw that he wasn't joking.

"Okay, let's get married, I'm mad for you."

Remus grinned and pushed me softly so I lay on my back. He hovered over me with one knee in between my legs. He combed a piece of hair out of my face and traced his finger down to my lips.

"You're so beautiful Octavia, I love being in love with you."

"Show me" I flirted and he stood up and sweeped me up off the sofa.

"Oh I will darling" he grunted in my ear as he carried me to the bedroom.

"Don't forget the silence charm please, my ears can't take much more!" Niko yelled and I giggled. Remus plopped me on the bed and cast the charm, let's just say it was a good job he did.

Dinner that night was full of chatter about the wedding tomorrow. Lily was having a fit about how they were unprepared and how she didn't have everything ready. James and Sirius were crying about how grown up their Moony was while Niko just sat there laughing the whole time.

"So Octavia, where did you go?" James asked, stuffing his face with a piece of gammon.

"To my favourite place and bumped into an old friend" I responded and Niko choked on his drink.

"You saw Beau!?"

Everyone turned and looked at me and I felt myself heating up with embarrassment. Remus was frowning at me and I grabbed his hand under the table.

"I did see Beau yes, we went in the woods and saw some Jackalopes then went for something to eat. He then suggested that we get drunk... which we did and I woke up on his sofa. We then sort of fell out and I came straight here after that."

Niko looked at me, encouraging me to expand on what I meant but I shook my head, 'not here' I mouthed and he nodded. Last thing I needed was Remus getting upset.

"And who is the Beau girl?" Sirius asked, not taking his eyes off me.

"Beaus a boy, he's my friend from France" I calmly responded.

"A boy?! France?! You went to France with a boy?" James exclaimed and sighed in frustration, running my hand through my hair.

"There's a place on the hills in Bordeaux, beautiful place, full of magical creatures and Beau works for the French Ministry. We caught up a bit but as I said, we fell out and I left, end of."

I stood up from my seat and stormed out the front door, sitting on the rock overlooking the sea.

"Are you going to tell me what he did?" Niko asked quietly, crouching next to me. Niko wasn't particularly fond of Beau, he always thought he was a bit suspicious.

"He... he tried to kiss me. I splashed water on him, he was mad because he didn't have a top on and it was cold. He chased me and we fell on the floor, him on top of me. Once I realised what was happening, I pushed him off."

Niko sighed and patted my back but a twig snapped behind us. I whirled around to see Remus looking appalled, hands in his pockets he turned to walk away.

"Remus wait!" I shouted and caught up to him. Niko gave me a nod and disappeared back inside.

"Did you want to?" Remus questioned me bluntly, looking straight ahead. I grabbed his cheek to look at me and kissed him hard, eventually he started kissing me back.

After a few minutes, I leant my forehead against his," Do you think anyone else could kiss me how you do? You're all I need and want Remus, I promise you."

"I believe you, I just don't like the thought of another man kissing you" Remus mumbled and I smiled. Many would hate their boyfriend being so overprotective but I loved it, he was mine and I was his, no one else's.

"I cant wait for our future together Rem and tomorrow is only the beginning" I whispered and he kissed my forehead in reply. We walked hand in hand back inside and spent the rest of the night in each other's arms, laughing at James and Sirius playing snap for the first time.

It felt right to be with Remus, his hand fit perfectly in mine as did my body against his, he was made for me and I for him. Times were getting tougher and war was well underway but with Remus by my side, I had hope. I'd fight endlessly for the good but mostly for the future, for our future.

Truthfully,I was scared for the others. After bringing them back,immediately you just think they're going to now be here forever. Yet there's no question that they'll want to fight and I wont be able to be with them at all times. Niko and I had trained my combat and it was back up to standard, I'd be relying on my knife for the most of it.

I know that James would sacrifice himself for his family all over again, without a question. Niko and Sirius would both give there lives for each other as would me and Remus. We'd all be willing to sacrifice ourselves for those we love and some may say that's a strength but in reality it's a huge weakness. A weakness that one of us won't overcome.

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