¥ chapter five ¥

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I slept for at least two days

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I slept for at least two days. Becoming invisible really did drain every form of energy from me but I didn't regret doing it. Shoving on a light blue cardigan with black jeans I made way for the kitchen. It was time to tell them what I knew.

"Morning Octavia" Sirius said giving me a nod. I smiled in return, sitting at the end of the table.The whole Order was there waiting expectantly.

"Hello dear, are you ready to speak of your knowledge?" Albus spoke which I nodded vigorously.

"So erm...," all the eyes on me made me feel anxious but I took a deep breath and carried on," they were talking about a prophecy that's stored in the Ministry. Lucius said that Voldemort was desperate for it."

There was a few gasps at me saying his name but I always remembered Dumbledores words.
"Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself"

"That's very useful well done you two" Albus looked at me and Tonks,smiling sweetly.

"I also managed to identify the five at the table. There was Lucius and Narcissa, Bellatrix, Greyback and Mulciber."

Sirius let out a scoff at his cousins name but no one gave him attention. Dumbledore whispered to Moody and Arthur Weasley before assessing the rest of us.

"With this information, it is crucial we have guards surrounding the Hall of Prophecy. Although I'm sure I know what prophecy this is, no one else can know. Kingsley you will be in charge of administration, meeting dismissed."

Kingsley assigned Arthur and Moody for the first shift before everyone left. I stood up to get some tea when I felt a presence next to me.

"Sorry we haven't spoken yet, I'm Molly Weasley, it's lovely to meet you" the ginger woman spoke while cleaning away some cups.

"Oh that's quite alright, Octavia Harper" I held out my hand but she frowned looking at it. Instead she brought me into a warming hug which shocked me. Dumbledore and Minnie weren't very touch affective so having contact with others was often uncomfortable. However I felt the love radiating off Molly and returned the hug.

"Dumbledore has done well to keep you secret hasn't he. Your very pretty, I must say, do watch out for my idiotic twin sons. I'm sure they'll try and woo you at some point." She gave a smile but I could tell she was deadly serious. It made me chuckle.

"Well hello there, this is George and I'm Fred but you can call me babe" two lanky ginger haired boys appeared behind us and Molly hit them with her towel.

"Oh pack it in you two! She's far to pretty for you!" Molly yelled and Fred put his hand on his heart.

"Dear Mother, you mocked me in front of this beautiful woman. Although I do have to agree,you're stunning" he winked at me and I let out a giggle.

"I'm sure I'm nearly double your age but I appreciate your charms. Try it on someone younger perhaps."

I went to go up the stairs but someone grabbed my wrist.

"Tavia please stay down, you can read down here, I just don't like you being isolated" Tonks looked solemnly into my eyes and I felt conflicted. It wasn't necessarily lonely since I had Niko, perhaps I should start talking to people who are alive.

"Fine but don't ask to many questions." Tonks beamed at my response and dragged me into the living room where Remus and Sirius sat in deep conversation.

"Moony you need to get back in field. When was the last time you had some fun with a girl eh? You're an animal , you can get any girl you wish" Sirius looked playfully at Remus who was blushing.

"There's no time for that business Sirius. Besides you know I don't do that sort of stuff, I'm not you" he sank into his chair and pulled out a book. I angled my head to catch a glimpse of the title. Pride and Prejudice.

"That's a lovely book, truly touching the story" I spoke up casting everyone to look at me. Remus caught my eye and smiled weakly.

"It is, not the first time I've read it. Always find myself rereading to try and catch things I missed."

I thoughtfully nodded before returning to my own book. Sirius and Tonks groaned.

"Tonky why are we associating with these nerds. We're to hot and funny to be sat inside like this." Sirius moaned leaning forward. Tonk laughed but agreed with him.

"Sucks to be you Sirius,I'm off to the pub, byeeee" she dragged out the bye making it even more painful for Sirius.

"Why can't you go?" I innocently asked. Remus chocked on a laugh and Black shifted uncomfortably.

"Mister Black is currently a convicted murderer and prison escapee so he's on house arrest" Remus smirked.

I frowned, a murderer? Escaped from prison? I knew it's rude to do so but I had to check so I entered his mind. Watching, I saw him get arrested and then it switched to him and Remus talking in some shabby room. After hearing their conversation, I came to the conclusion he was innocent and falsely prosecuted.

"Merlin did you just go in my head! Bloody rude" Sirius tutted but rolled my eyes. Sirius tried protesting to Remus but Lupin just held his middle finger up in his face. Giggling I returned back to my studying.

Realising he was getting nowhere,Sirius stormed out the room.

"What are you reading?" Remus questioned me gently. I liked how calm he was.

"Oh just about magical creatures, I'm obsessed" I blushed slightly ,noticing how geeky I sounded.

"What's your favourite creature?" He continued. Please not another questionnaire.

"Erm... probably werewolf's." As soon as the words left my mouth, Remus hissed an intake of air. He bumbled about before leaving the room muttering "sorry" as he walked by.

I watched, as he left confused as to why he was so hurt but shrugged my shoulders and continued reading.

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