¥ chapter seven ¥

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"We have been informed that Harry performed underage magic, in front of a muggle as well

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"We have been informed that Harry performed underage magic, in front of a muggle as well. He states that he and his cousin were attacked by dementors. He has a trial tomorrow which I will be taking him too.Harry will be here first thing tomorrow. Tonks, Remus,Octavia,you will assist Moody and Kingsley in getting him here."Arthur Weasley spoke with a serious tone. He was a joyous man, Arthur, but working in the Ministry meant he always had a serious side.

We all understood our roles and dispersed. Sirius was still sat in his chair with a gloomy face. He's been kind to me so I ought to repay him.

"What's wrong?" Sitting next to him, I placed a hand on his shoulder and he looked at me in sorrow. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"I don't bode well to be stuck in one place. Reminds me of Azkaban. Harry's my godson, the only living, breathing reminder of Lily and James . Every time I think of them,I try not break down. I have to be strong for Harry, for Remus also." He sighed and I could see he was on the brink of tears. A thought popped into my head.

"Come with me, I think it's time you faced it" I outstretched my hand and he looked unsure whether to take it. After the battle in his mind, he grabbed my hand and I apperated us away.

"I'm not sure which one is there's but we can look together" I said not letting go of his hand. At the sight of the graveyard, his body was trembling into breakdown. He's legs were wobbling and his breathing was ragged. I squeezed his hand.

It took about 5 minutes before we finally found their graves, Lily and James. Sirius was fully shaking and tears were down his face. I let go of his hand as he collapsed on the floor.

"Go on Sirius, talk to them, talk about how much you miss them but talk about why you love them and all your memories."

He looked at me worried, however he began speaking.

"I'm so so sorry Jamsie, it's my fault, it's all my fault. If I'd just been brave, you would be here right now. Lily I'm so sorry you can't see Harry grow, he's wonderful, a magnificent quidditch player Prongs. I miss hearing your sarcasm and Lily shouting at you for turning into a deer in the house. I tried to revenge you both, twice, but neither worked out very well. I'm a failure, a huge let down. It should be me buried here, not you two." Sirius was sobbing relentlessly, his whole body shaking as he gripped onto the tombstone.

"Always dramatic, isn't he Lilyflower?" A voice laughed behind me. I spun around in shock. There was a man and a woman stood holding hands. The man looked familiar to the young boy who was sat in Dumbledores office. A ginger haired woman on his left had the boys eyes.

Oh Merlin! They had the same shiny lining that Niko had.

"Erm Niko can you see these people?" I whispered to Niko who was next to my shoulder.

"Yes indeed I can, they look... ghostly" he frowned.

"James does it look like that girl and boy are looking at us?" The ginger haired woman who must be called Lily asked the man.

"It does but it's a shame they can't see how hot we are" James retorted laughing at himself.

"They can see me" Niko gasped at the same time as me. What the bloody hells going on!

I cleared my throat trying to find confidence.

"Who-who are you?" I stutter afraid. The pair look to each other, eyes nearly popping out their sockets.

"MERLINS BEARD LILY WE'VE BEEN SPOTTED!" James roared hand on his heart. The woman rolled her eyes, looking at me anxiously.

"So you can see us and hear us?" Me and Niko both nodded. She frowned as she looked at Niko. "And your dead too? But your not?"

"That's right, I'm dead and she's just a crazy psycho who can speak and talk to us folk. Well truthfully she's only ever been able to see me." Niko gushed at the end.

"Octavia who the bloody hell are you talking to?" Sirius was standing up now, recovered from his breakdown. I blush and scratch my head.

"Oh nobody! So do you feel better now?" I ask gripping his hand and walking away. Niko ushered the couple to follow us.

"Definitely. Thank you Octavia, I didn't know I needed that." He smiled at me and squeezed my hand, apparating us back home.

I quickly ran to my room and shut the door. I cast "Muffliato" before addressing the newcomers.

"Okay, I have no idea who you are or how I can see you. Not going to lie, I'm freaking out a bit" I hurriedly spoke, walking back and forth.

"Well I'm James Potter and this my beautiful wife Lily. To make it easier, we're the people Sirius was dramatically crying over" James grinned. His wife hit his shoulder and looked at us apologetically.

"We're a bit confused too, no ones ever seen us or spoke to us before. How come you can see him?" Lily curiously questioned. Niko was frowning at them the whole time, unsure about their company.

"Niko was my best friend. Albus says I can see him because I loved him and we had a deep connection. Maybe I can see you two because Sirius talked about you both at a place where your soul is. I felt a love for you both out of admiration for what you did for Harry. It was clear you were great people."

James and Lily smiled at me and I felt comfortable. The tension between us was lighting. I guess it's nice having someone else other than Niko. I need to talk Minerva and Albus.

I stormed downstairs to the fire place, ignoring the questions being thrown at me by Sirius and Remus.

"Wankers" James did a rude gesture in front of their faces, laughing loudly. I rolled my eyes, he's a handful.

"James will you pack it in, I'm sick of you doing that! Bloody 13 years running!" Lily seemed nice though.

I stood in the fireplace with my Floo powder.

"Dumbledores office!"

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