¥ chapter thirty-five ¥

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I woke up rather early and the morning sun shone through the gap in the curtains

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I woke up rather early and the morning sun shone through the gap in the curtains. I whipped myself up a cup of coffee and sat reading my notes that I'd left. Clearly no one had been here since my departure many years ago and it led me to wondering if a person I was fond of was still here.

Finishing my coffee, I got got dressed and ventured into the warm french sun. It was a beautiful sight, trees standing tall and leaves and plants scattered perfectly around. I walked excitedly to the cabin next to mine, leaves and twigs cracking under ever footstep.

Knocking on the door, I waited a few minutes before it swung open.

"Merlins beard! Octavia is that you?" The man exclaimed and I smiled brightly. He pulled me into a hug and I breathed in his familiar cologne, leaves and coffee.

"It's good to see you again Beau!" I replied heartedly. He had light blonde shoulder length hair and a small stubble on his chin. Beau was around my age, working for the french Ministry in Magical Creatures. He looked good, he'd always looked good, wearing his baby blue sweater and black cuffed jeans.

"What brings you back here?" He asked, allowing me inside. I smiled as his room looked the exact same apart from more notes.

"Just wanted to escape for a bit" I said, sitting down on the sofa in front of the fire. Beau offered a cup of tea but I rejected it and he sat next to me with a his own mug.

"Yes I'd do the same, especially with what's going with where your from" Beau stated and I silently nodded. A bit of guilt hit me when I realised I'd left at such a critical time but mental health always comes first.

"I'm not sure how long I'm staying but what I do know is,I need good company in seeing some creatures if your up for it?"

"Absolutely let's go, it's mating season at the moment so there's quite a few knocking about" Beau said opening the door and leading the way through the trees.

Beau and I had a little romance back in my time here but we both agreed to stay friends after things got pretty tense with the first war. Niko had met Beau briefly before he had to go back and fight.

We chatted and caught up for a while before Beau signalled for me to be quiet. About 20 yards away was a Jackalope, rustling around in the bushes. It's rabbit like physique was made unusual by its antlers next to its ears. Antlers, James always prodded my with his antlers. A wave of sadness overwhelmed me but Beau squeezed my hand.

"You okay?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine, just missed them that's all" I lied and he looked unsure but dropped the topic. The Jackalope scurried away and a sat on the floor and wrote some notes. Once I finished,I looked up to see Beau staring at me.

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