¥ chapter six ¥

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Remus appeared to be avoiding me after yesterday's chat

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Remus appeared to be avoiding me after yesterday's chat. With me lacking in social skills, I didn't press the matter further.

Me and Sirius sat in the kitchen in silence, me absorbed in a book, him with the Daily Prophet. The door swung open and Mcgonagall strolled in.

"Oh I didn't know you were coming Minnie?" I stood up and gave her a quick hug. She smiled and sat down at the table.

"Yes well I realised we haven't really spoke since you came back so I decided we should have a catch up." I loved Minerva, truly. She was always kind and passionate about her beliefs but never once discriminated. Although she acted serious most of the time I knew she had a playful side.

"Hello Minnie my love" Sirius winked at her and I sent him a confused look. I didn't know anyone else who called her that. As if recognising my face Sirius continued.

"Me and Minnie were extremely close when I was at school. She was in love with me, who can blame her. By the way Minnie, my offer still stands" he said all this smirking the entire time, clearly happy with himself.

"Mr Black I admire your determination but my answer is still no to the Bahamas" her face was stone still but I knew there was a small smirk on her lips. Sirius pretended to cry and left the room. I sent a questioning look at Minnie who discarded the conversation with her hand.

"How have you been dear?" She politely asked. I knew where this was going.

"It's been tough but I've always been on my own so being here's taking some adjusting too." Niko was waving his arms dramatically to get my attention.

"Tell her I said hi!" He excitedly exclaimed. Rolling my eyes, I continued.

"Niko tells me to tell you ,he says hello" It was weird talking about Niko out loud but I could only do this with Minerva and Albus. She frowned momentarily before smiling.

"Ah, hello Niko, I hope your feeling okay also" he nodded his head at me so I copied his actions to Mcgonagall.

"I do have a question though Minnie" I quietly asked, fidgeting with my fingers. I always did this when I'm nervous. She placed her hand on mine to calm me down.

"How come I can only see Niko and not every other dead person" I said sighing. It was a question that constantly hovered in my brain. I don't know if I wanted to see more dead people, it was more just a query.

"I'll be honest I'm not 100% sure. It definitely has something to do with connection and love for the boy although there will certainly be more to it. Don't worry about it, Albus is constantly researching the best he can" she patted my hand and stood up,giving me a hug.

"Right I best be off, I'll see you shortly Octavia" she kissed my cheek and left. I ran my hand through my hair and kicked the chair. It was frustrating not knowing who I am or what I was capable of.

Night came but I was overthinking to much to sleep. It must of been around 2 in the morning when the kitchen door opened. Remus came stumbling in,gripping his stomach. He was pale and had bleeding cuts everywhere. I let out a gasp and stood up to help him.

I sat him down in the chair and wet a cloth to clean his wounds. Niko was frowning but all of a sudden his eyes widened.

"Merlins beard! He's a werewolf Tav! It was a full moon tonight as well as last time he vanished. He has all the symptoms, sickness, fatigue, injuries. Also last night when you mentioned werewolves he panicked!" I looked up from Remus's cuts and noticed Niko was right.

How the hell did I not notice? I literally work and study creatures for my whole life.

"You know you should of told me you're a werewolf Remus," his eyes turned into horror but I ignored it," I could of helped you, came with you even."

"Wha-what? Come with me!? Are you mental, I'd hurt you, probably even kill you!?" He was agitated but I didn't get offended because I knew the side affects of the moon. I rolled my eyes at him and muttered a spell to heal his cuts.

"We have something in common" I said simply.

"He looked confused. "Do we?"

" You know, being alone for most of my life, at Hogwarts I wanted to do something to pass time. So I became an animagus, had the leaf in my mouth for the whole month. Disgusting it was but I felt satisfied when it worked. I'd happily come with you on full moons, we both know you don't attack animals."

He looked at me in disbelief. I know of the prejudice that werewolves face among the wizarding community so I understand why he keeps it all hush. It made me feel sick with anger at the discrimination and abuse they face, no jobs, instantly presumed to be on the dark side, murderers. It was all a load of nonsense.

"You... you would come with me?" I nodded and he let out a big breath. He was obviously worried I'd be scared and tell everyone but I couldn't be further from that.

"What's your animagus" he asked. I smirked and stood away from him so I could transform. Immediately, I turned into a wolf. I didn't look like a werewolf. They were much taller and skinnier,with less fur. Mine looked more like a husky in a way. My fur coat was soft white, with dark grey and light brown patches. My eyes were a twinkling blue. I knew all this because the first time I transformed,I did it in front of a mirror.

Remus stared in awe at me. His sad frown left his face and a grin replaced it.

"More beautiful than mine" he joked and I transferred back to human with a giggle. I looked down at his top and noticed blood was still sleeping through it.

"Erm... may I... you know" I nodded down at his stomach and cursed under his breath. He looked back at me and bounced his head up and down. I stepped closer,slowly and delicately lifting his top over his head. I felt him blushing and his heart rate was astoundingly fast.

"Okay, this might hurt, sorry" I squinted my eyes shut, placing my hand on his bare skin, over his wound. He winced in pain and gritted his teeth together. My hand didn't feel wet anymore and I opened my eyes, chuffed with myself that his cut was healed.

"There,all done, erm... I best be off now, bye!" I whispered and ran upstairs.

"When was the last time you touched a mans bare chest, eh?" Niko winked at me but I dove straight into bed,shutting my eyes.

"Piss off Niko."

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