¥ chapter eighteen ¥

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Remus stayed with me for a while

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Remus stayed with me for a while. He was struggling and he didn't have anyone else. It broke my heart seeing him this way, silent crying and one word answers. Everyday he was getting better but I doubt he'd ever be the same, unless I do what I need to.

It was December 10th, the day I'll do my first task. Remus was out on order business so I decided to act today.

"Niko, I need you to take me to where you... where you died" I said hesitantly. He sharply inhaled and frowned. "Remember no debating."

"Ok-okay, it was actually in my room,in my house" Niko spoke quietly. We've never spoken of the day he died, to upsetting, we just decided to be grateful I could still see him.

I exhaled a large breath and apparated to Nikos old home. It was a big house in the middle of nowhere, masses of green space. The architecture was beautiful, light cobblestone masonry with a bright red door. I unlocked the door and ventured inside.

The place was a mess, a clear sign of a fight. Parchment was scattered everywhere and furniture and decorations were smashed on the floor. I noticed against the wall the smear of blood and my breath hitched. I didn't want to stay here any longer so I climbed up the stairs.

Niko directed me to his room which was covered in Hufflepuff colours. He had posters of quidditch stars over his walls as well as magazines scattered on his floor.

"It-it... it was here" he said standing in the centre of the room. I slowly nodded as tears fell down my face. Just imagining how the night went, the fear, the pain that Niko and his family would of felt made sick.

"Okay you can do this Octavia, big breaths, focus" I whispered to myself, approaching Niko and holding out my hand, upright. He looked at me confused.

"Just... just place your hand over mine, as if you were touching it" I instructed and he obliged.

"Okay here we go, shut your eyes and focus on me Niko. "Reparatur,novis initiis,novos casus recordabantur." I repeated the spell twenty one times, the age Niko was when he died. On the last one I felt contact. I felt his hands, I could smell him. It worked, it worked.

"Tav...Tav... am I... am I alive!?" Niko stuttered. I opened my eyes and he was there, no shiny outline, he was here. I reached my hand up and brushed his cheek. He flinched at my contact, our contact. With in a matter of seconds Niko wrapped his arms around me and spun me. I giggled and he laughed heartedly.

"Your bloody amazing Tav, bloody amazing!" Niko started prancing around the room, touching things. As he did so my body started to crumble,my legs shaking unbalanced. The fatigue hit me hard, my head was pounding, I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

"Shit Tav! Are you okay?" Holding me upright Niko hooked his arms around me.

"Albus... office" I managed to choke out, before everything went black.

"She'll be okay, just rest will be required" was a voice I heard as I came to consciousness. My eyelids fluttered open, revealing a hospital wing, Hogwarts hospital wing.

"Octavia dear, how are you feeling?" Albus said at the end of my bed. Minerva was next to him as well as someone else, Niko. I let out a sigh of relief. He was still here, the spell had worked.

"Better, just tired is all" I assured, sitting up a bit. Minerva looked as though she'd been crying, Niko looking the same.

"I see you done some quite advanced magic, something I don't doubt you learnt with your time with Death" Said Albus intriguingly.

"Erm yes, she said it was the purpose of my abilities, the purpose of my life. I knew the risks, I've been planning and researching ever since that night. Every life I bring back will,no doubt, make me worse, weaker even. However I will still persist with my mission, this was just the first task" I replied, certainty in my voice, insinuating to Dumbledore that my mind cannot be changed. He seemed to get the message as he only nodded.

"I must make you aware that Severus is knowing of your abilities, In doing so, he's been able to make a stronger potion to help with the side affects. He will be bringing it along shortly, for now, rest" With that he left as did Minnie after placing a kiss on my head. Niko however stayed.

"I can't ever thank you enough for this Tav. I'm so grateful, I finally have another chance at life, a chance to have a family" Niko was beaming at me. Although he had been crying, I'm positive they were just happy tears.

The doors to the wing opened abruptly and Snape strolled in. His face looked like he had a million questions to ask and as he handed me the potion, he asked one.

"Can you see her, can you see Lily?"

I frowned, why did he care about Lily? Nevertheless, I nodded to which his face upturned into a smile. Severus Snape was smiling. What. The . Fuck.

"I presume you will be bringing her back then?" He questioned further.

"I will be bringing them all back. James,Lily,Regulus and Sirius, every single one of them" I said sternly. His face dropped a bit at the mention of the others.

"Well, good luck and I hope you succeed. It's nice to see you again Mr Barker" Snape said before walking out of the wing.

"I don't know if it's the fact I've just come back to life but I'm pretty sure I'm hallucinating because I just seen Snape smile" Niko said staring at the spot Snape used to be. I chuckled.

"We both must be hallucinating."

Dumbledore visited me again on the day I was about to be released. We discussed how we were going to be able to explain the appearance of dead people. He assured me that he would try to keep my identity hidden although with more lives brought back I was bound to be found out. However I didn't care if this made me Voldemort's target, at least I'd done something with my life.

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