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You know the feeling when you feel so hopeless with everything falling apart? Well that was what I was feeling. Everything is falling apart and yet, I don't know what to do.

I sighed as I was bundled up in a blanket. I decided to watch on Netflix: I mean, it is a Saturday tomorrow, what is a better way to just let all these thoughts fill my head than watch Netflix on a Friday night?

I was really shocked that Ji-Eun slapped me, I mean I knew that Ji-Eun was somewhat dominant with the people around her- but I never really thought she would slap me that hard.

I unconsciously brought a hand up to my cheek which was slapped, and I hissed a bit since it was a bit pink. It all crashed down today, and I really can't believe that everything fell today.

The day was going smoothly, and now I have three things to juggle on my shoulders. I shoved myself further into the blanket as I hid my face in the blanket.

Taehyung, Namjoon and Dad were all asleep. I was just sitting on my bed, while watching sappy, romantic movies- Why am I even watching these? Am I that desperate?

I shook my head as I closed the app downloaded on my laptop and shut off the device. I stood up and walked to my desk, plugging in the charger into the laptop, sighing softly.

I then walked back to my bed, before taking the bowl of popcorn and placed it on the bed side table, making sure I wouldn't get the buttery treat onto the sheets of my bed.

I paused in my steps as I slowly turn my closet. I looked around, as I closed my door: hearing the door shut. I then tip-toed to my closet and opened the door, looking at the black box that was on the top shelf.

I took a stool and tried to reach for the black box, I was already on my tippy toes trying to reach for the box: "Gotcha- Woah!" I exclaimed as I tripped backwards.

I landed on my behind as I covered my mouth when small whimpers and small "ow's" left my mouth. I stood up and straightened my back, smiling a bit as I saw the box in my hands.

I closed the door, and walked over to my bed. I sat with my legs crossed on another as I opened the box, removing the letters I wrote when I was a child, but one caught my eye:

"To: Kookie.
From: Hyun."

I tilted my head as I removed the letter from the envelope, and opened it. Instantly, I was greeted by my childish writing, which made me realize that this note was written when I was probably in elementary.

"Dear Kookie,

This is Hyun! Are you sick? You didn't attend school today, and I really missed you! I hope you didn't get sick, 'cuz I'll be very sad.

Anyways, I'll visit later and bring cookies! I hope I won't forget to bring this letter, since I am really forgetful, hehe.

I miss you very much, and I will visit later! Do wait for me, don't forget to drink lots of water! And don't play video games first >:(

Your bestfriend,

Hyunnie <3"

I wrote this? I thought as a small smile rose to my face, but it quickly faded as I remembered the argument we had earlier. I shook my head as I put the letter aside.

I then spot a letter with a sad smile on it, my curiosity rose even higher than it could, as I took the letter and took the thin piece of paper out of the envelope, unfolding it.

"To: Jungkook.
From: Seohyun."

Huh. I thought- the other letters, I wrote our nicknames, but how come this sounds kind of serious? I shook my head as my eyes trailed down to the real letter itself.

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