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I arrived home with a frown. I didn't feel like talking to anyone after what happened earlier at training. I saw Mom in the kitchen while Dad seemed like he wasn't home yet because his car wasn't parked in the front.

"Hello- what's wrong?" Mom asked as she popped out from the kitchen. I blinked at her blankly before sitting down at dinner table, feeling a frown take over my lips.

"Training." I answered blankly.

"Did something happen?" She asked.

"Leg muscles tightened, and I nearly drowned if Jungkook didn't save me." I explained, looking around so that I wouldn't meet the worry and concern in her eyes.

"Does your coach know?"

"Yes." I replied, "He just told me to rest. It was embarrassing. I'm the team captain and yet, I can't even guide my teammates properly."

"Would you like to go to a doctor?"

"What could they do?" I asked, "They'll just give me medicine and then they'll say that I'm fine and then tell us to pay nearly a million won."

Mom chuckled, "When does it appear?"

"During swimming." I answered.

"Maybe it is because you haven't been swimming in a while, so your muscles are in shock. I remember I had tightening of muscles as well when I at your age, and your grandma told me to do daily stretching to relax and ready muscles."

"I will start tomorrow." I mumbled, "Training will be this entire month, basically senior year is tiring." Mom smiled as she held my hands.

"You're growing." Mom said, "I really can't wait until you'll find your true love and then your love story might be similar to your father and I."

I blushed, "Mom~"

"What?" She exclaimed, "It's a part of life- I mean not all will have a partner, but I could see in your eyes, that you, my dear, are in love with someone."

I blushed even more, "W-What? N-No, I don't like nor love anyone- studies first." I babbled, Mom laughed before she smirked at me.

I've never seen her smirk in years, "I know each and every secret you are holding, Kim Seohyun. But, it is none of my business, so I wont interfere."

She then stood up and walked back into the kitchen as if nothing happened. She was humming a happy tune, while I was left glued to my chair with a shocked and dazzled expression on my face.

But the sound of a phone ringing caught me off guard. I nearly fell out from the chair by how loud Mom's phone was ringing. "Honey? Could you answer that for me?"

"Okay!" I exclaimed before I rushed into the living room and answered the call without looking at the caller: "Hello?"

"Ji- Seohyun?" Mrs. Jeon?

Huh. "Hi, Mrs. Jeon. Mom is in the kitchen preparing something. She asked me to take the call for her." I explained.

"Oh, alright." She said, "Well, I was asking if she is still allowing you to have weekend training with Jungkook at the clubhouse."

Training? "Oh, I'll ask her real quick." I said, before covering the end of the phone where the caller couldn't hear me. "Mom?"

"Hm?" She hummed in reply.

"Are you still allowing me to train over the weekend with Jungkook? Mrs. Jeon is asking." I asked, slightly yelling.

"Yes, sure sure." She answered, nodding.

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