The Next Morning

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I fluttered my eyes open and saw Y/N, Sleeping peaceful next to me. Her eye lids fluttering as if she was dreaming. I had a wicked headache, why did I drink so much last night. When I pulled back the blanket though I was just in my boxers. Did me and Y/N do it last night. Because if we did, I have no memory of it. I sat up slowly and held my head in pain. I heard Y/N mumble something and her eyes opened slowly.
"Hey sergeant." She smiled.
"Hey Doll." I smiled. She slowly sat up and we just stared at each other.
"Did we have sex last night?" I asked. Her eyes widened and she laughed.
"No Bucky we didn't."
"Oh, cause I was like. If we did I have no memory from it. So I how did I end up in just my boxers." I looked down.
"I took off your clothes last night, So you would be comfy." She smiled. Goodness gracious I loved this woman. She was literally perfect in every way.
"Thanks." I shrugged. I grabbed her hands and held them. She looked at me and we both leaned in until our lips touched. She scooted closer and than she quickly grabbed her head.
"Bucky I would love to. But my head is killing me. I'm sorry." She frowned.
"It's okay Y/N." I smiled. "My head hurts to. Let's go make some food and get some Advil. To make us feel better." I suggested.
"That's sounds great." She smiled. We each got out of the bed and I slipped on sweat pants and a shirt. She just put on my black hoodie and we walked out of the room, hand in hand. We walked into the kitchen. Nat, Steve, Sam And Clint were all in there. Looking like shit.
"Hey guys." Y/N smiled.
"Hey." They all said groggy. She moved over to Nat sitting at the table and I went over to Steve by the coffee maker.
"I hate drinking." Sam sighed as he sipped his coffee.
"That's a lie Sam." Nat said, grinning.
"Is That Advil?" Y/N asked. There was a bottle sitting on the table.
"Yeah." Nat said. Me and Y/N each grabbed some Advil and a glass of water. We took the pills and leaned against the kitchen counter.
"What's good hangover food?" Clint said. Out of all of us, he looked the worst. I don't know why though, we all took the same amount of shots. But maybe he took more without us.
"Should we all go out for breakfast, after we clean up and not look like shit." I suggested.
"Yeah that sounds great." Nat said.
"Sweet me in the lobby. Let's say twenty minutes." Everyone nodded their heads and we all walked out of the kitchen.
"Bucky I think imma go to take a shower in my room. I'll see you in twenty." She kissed my cheek and walked away. I walked into my room and immediately hopped into the shower. I never knew a shower could feel so good. Afterwards I put on jeans and a black shirt. I met everyone in the lobby and Y/N walked in two minutes later. She was in a blue dress and black flats. She looked beautiful, I mean she could wear anything and she would be beautiful.
Me, Y/N and Sam took my truck and Steve, Clint and Nat took, Clint's truck. Y/N took shotgun to Sams dismay. We all drove to the diner and took our seat.
"I'm so excited to eat greasy food." Nat said, while looking through the menu.
"Same here." Y/N said.
We all ordered our food, Me and Y/N both getting pancakes sausage. We started talking and laughing up a storm. Probably disrupting the restaurant, but we didn't care.
"Hey guys can I say something?" Y/N piped up.
"Go ahead." Steve smiled.
"I don't want to sound sappy guys. But thank you all for being great friends. I love you guys so much. You have just been so kind to me and accepting. I know this is out of the blue, But I just wanted to say it." Y/N said, Blushing. Everyone smiled softly.
"Aww Y/N. Well it's super easy to be friends with the kindest person on the earth. You are literally the best person ever. Sorry Clint." Nat whacked his arm. We all started laughing.
"I love you guys so much." She smiled. We all raised our glasses.
"And we love you to." Clint said. We all clicked our glasses together and laughed. Our food came shortly after and we scarfed it down quickly. As we paying a girl came up to the table with another woman, who I was guessing was her mom.
"Hi I'm sorry to bother you all, But my daughter was wondering if she could have a photo with all of you." The girl blushed and smiled shyly.
"Ya if course." Nat smiled.
"Really?" The girl asked.
"Yeah." Y/N said. The girl sat down beside Y/N and smiled. The mom took the picture and for some reason this made me so happy. I was being seen as an Avenger not a villain.
"Could I ask one more thing?" She mumbled.
"And What is that?" Y/N smiled. She was being so kind and caring to this little girl. I would have been so awkward with her.
"Could I get all your signatures?"
"Yeah." Steve said. She had a note book.
"I wanna sign first." Sam said jokingly. He took the notebook and signed it. We all did the same.
"Thank you guys so much!" She squealed.
"Aww your very welcome." The girl was so excited that she pulled Y/N into a hug.
"Molly..." Her mother sighed.
"It's okay." Y/N smiled.
"Have a good day."
"You to." Molly smiled. They walked off and I immediately kissed Y/N's forehead.
"How are you so kind?" He chuckled.
"Yeah, Your just a sweetheart. I would have been so awkward." Sam chuckled.
"I don't know, She was a fan. I appreciate fans even though no one has any idea who I am." Y/N giggled.
"When you become more famous, That girl will be lucky as hell. That she knew you before hand and has hugged you." Clint said.
"Yeah." She sighed. We got up from the table and got back into our trucks.
"What are we gonna do when we get back?" Sam asked.
"Umm...maybe we could just have a chill day. Watching movies, playing games. I don't know something fun." I said.
"Yeah, That Actually sounds great." Y/N said. I turned to her and smiled, She than smiled at me as we pulled into the compound. A bunch more agents and cars were parked out front. Sam leaned forward and came in between us.
"So much for a chill day." He chuckled.

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