It's Time!

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Me and Bucky just finished watching our movie and he fell asleep half way through anyway, but I finished it. I stumbled my way to the bathroom. After I finished up in there trying to be quiet not to wake Bucky. I was walking back to the bed, when I felt this wave of water leave my body and splash onto the floor. I stared down at the floor in excitement and fear. My water broke.

"Bucky!" I said. He just mumbled in his sleep, keeping his eyes shut. I just sighed. "BUCKY!" I yelled. He shot his eyes open and looked at me. "It's time." I smiled. He shot of the bed, nearly falling out of it.

"Shit...shit...okay realx Doll. Everything is gonna be okay...everything is gonna be okay." He rambled and ran to the closet to find our overnight bag as I just stood there, breathing deeply.

"Bucky calm down." I reassured, but than I felt this splitting pain in my stomach. "Ah shit." I groaned.

"Y/N are you okay?" Bucky asked immediately coming to my aid.

"Yup." I said hoarse. "But it's time to go!" I stated very urgently. He nodded his head and rushed to get his phone and text Nat and Bruce that this was happening. We would only normally only text Nat. But Banner said that he developed something so that I would not light my self on fire and hurt anybody in the room. Because who knows how strong the fire will be during my labour.

He texted back immediately and told us to meet in the garage. Nat responded to and told us to tell her when the baby is born, so she can come visit. We only told her to inform everyone else so that we didn't need to.

Bucky wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me walk down the hallway. We ended up in the garage, Banner was waiting with a car. I hoped in the back with Bucky, as I was almost screaming In pain from how much this hurt.

He was giving me comforting words, as he kissed my hands and forehead, doing his best to comfort me. We arrived at the hospital and we were immediately rushed through to a room. Banner was following behind us and was stopped.

"Sir you can't go in there" The nurse informed.

"My name is Dr Bruce Banner." He introduced himself. The nurse backed off, a look of embarrassment on her face.

"I am very sorry Dr Banner." She apologized.

"It's all right." He said and walked next to me lying on the bed. "Okay Y/N...I'm gonna use this now." He said. I nodded my head and I felt a needle being pressed into my arm. A wave of coldness flushed over my body and I shivered. I could feel the fire being cooled down in my system.

"Thank you." I smiled through my pain to him. He backed away to the other side of the rom and Bucky took his place. I gripped tightly onto his metal hand as the contractions were getting closer together.

"Your doing amazing Doll." Bucky whispered to me, making me feel a tiny bit better.

"Miss Barnes, it's time to start to pushing." The female doctor said.

"Okay."  I said in fear.

"It's gonna be okay, Doll." Bucky reassured and kissed my forehead. Making me feel a tiny bit better.


I watched as Y/N pushed, screaming extremely loud, I started wiping her hair away from her face, that was sticking to it from her sweat. "You can do it baby!" I cheered her on.

"We're so close!" The doctor informed. "One more push. Your doing amazing!"

She screamed out again, her body turning slightly blue. When the sound of crying filled the room. Y/N's chest was rising and falling as tears poured from her eyes. I watched as they held up our baby.

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