It Wasn't Your Fault

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"Guys." Clint said but it sounded like he was choking, we all turned our heads to see him spitting up blood up onto his shirt, as blood poured from his side. Making a puddle on the floor beneath him.

"Clint!" I exclaimed. I ran to him and clutched his body. Getting his blood all over me, but I didn't care. Nat came to my side and clutched his face. His eyes were closing very slowly as he coughed up more blood.

"SOMEBODY GET A FUCKING CAR!" Nat screamed out. Startling me with her tone and word choice. Sam booked it out of the compound. Steve and Bucky came over to us and picked up Clint. They carried him out of the compound as I ran to Tony.

"I'm okay." He muttered.

"Thank goodness." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, getting so blood in me as well. I looked over his Shoulder to see Banner awake sitting on the couch, making me sigh in relief.

"Now go save him." Tony said and than I looked to Wanda.

"She will be okay." She reassured me, I nodded my head and raced out of the compound, I made it to the car just as they shut the door and I ripped open the passenger door. Steve was sitting there and since I didn't have time. I sat on his lap. Bucky shot me one glance and than sped out of the garage.

"Im sorry Steve." I quickly apologized, this must be really awkward for him.

"No it's all good." He replied, his eyes avoiding me at all cost. We arrived at the hospital and I burst open the doors.

"HELP! HELP! MY FRIEND IS DYING!" I screamed out. A nurse ran towards me and I pointed down the hallway.

"What happened?" She asked calmly. Eyeing my clothing being covered in blood.

"He was shot." I cried out. She than looked past me and saw Bucky and Steve, carrying Clint and she gasped.

"Put him on the gurney!" She ordered. The men quickly did that and a team of nurses and doctors ran towards us. The wheeled him away as we all ran behind, Bucky clutching my hand.

They brought him into immediate surgery and shut the doors on us. We all scrambled to the window and watched as they worked on him.,"I'll go call Laura." Sam said and walked of the room. Tears were pouring out of me and Nat's eyes as we stared at him.

"Please, please be okay." Nat begged. I reached down with my free hand and grabbed her hand. She squeezed it tightly as she planted her head on my shoulder.

"Doll maybe we should go to the waiting room." Bucky suggested.

"No! I caused this. I need to stay here with him." I muttered.

"What?" Nat said surprised. "You did not cause this."

"Yes I did. Ruby was after me and they shot's all my fault." I sniffled.

"No, no, no." Bucky said and wrapped his arms around my body. I let go of Nat's hand and wrapped my arms around him, burying my head into his shoulder and crying. "This was not your fault."

But part of me couldn't believe that it wasn't...if I never joined the Avengers...he would be okay, I almost wouldn't have killed Nat, Bucky, Steve, Sam, Tony...almost everyone. I put all of their lives in danger. My head began racing, as my breathing picked up. Getting noticed by Bucky.

"Honey, are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"I have to go." I stated and pushed off of him and left the room. I walked past the waiting room and went to the main doors of the hospital. I left and walked over to a near by bench and took a seat.

I was getting weird stares from people, but than I remembered that I was covered in blood. This doesn't look suspicious at all.

"Y/N! DOLL!" I heard Bucky yell out. I looked up and we made eye contact. He ran towards me and dropped to his knees in front of me, grabbing my hands and holding them gently.

"It's not fault baby." He reassured.

"Yes it is!" I exclaimed. He looked at me so sad and disappointed.

"How on earth is it your fault?" He asked confused, looking at me, trying to figure out the puzzle.

"How could it not be! If I never joined the Avengers! Everyone would be fine! I've almost killed everyone Bucky! I'm a monster!" I said as my breath became shaky.

"no, No, NO!" Bucky repeated and than slammed his hand on the bench. Causing me to jump slightly. A few people stopped what they were doing and looked at us, making me feel embarrassed.

"Bucky." I muttered.

"No Y/N please listen." He begged. He let go of my hands and placed them on my face. I placed mine around his neck.

"You are a strong, badass women. You have brought so much joy into that compound. Before you came, there was always a sense of gloom but as soon as you arrived it disappeared. You are no monster, you are an angel!" He said, as more tears fell from my eyes, hearing those words.

"But I put Clint life's in danger. Steve almost killed you for me." I reminded him.

"Yeah and?" He asked nonchalant. I just cocked my head at him. He chuckled lightly. "Doll, we're Avengers our job is to fight people and try not to die as we do so. We chose to fight and protect you. When you asked people to help you with your family. Did anyone of them hesitate?" He asked.

I shook my head no." See! Everyone in that building is willing to sacrifice their lives for one another and today they were willing to do it for you, because they love you Y/N! I love you Y/N so much! We have a healthy beautiful baby girl at home. If you didn't join the Avengers, non of that would have happened."

"I wouldn't have become your wife." I said in disbelief, I couldn't imagine my life without him.

"Exactly! You joining the Avengers was the best thing to ever happen to that compound. To me. To Nat. To Everyone. So please don't blame yourself for your family protecting you. They would do it in a heart beat. And I know you would to."

"I would take a bullet for anyone in that compound, for you, for Sawyer." I shared. Bucky than smiled a tiny bit at my realization.

"Damn it Barnes, why are you so good at this shit?" I laughed and planted my lips on his, we shared a quick passionate kiss.

"I learned from the best." He said shooting me a wink and than I gave him another kiss. He than grabbed my hand and we raced back into the hospital.

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