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When we arrived back at the compound, Y/N was still fast asleep. Everyone left the quinjet and I slowly and carefully picked up her body, bridal style. I carried her through the hallways, shushing people as I walked by so no one would wake her. I made it to our door and I managed to turn the door knob and quietly kicked open the door. I placed her on the bed and took off her shoes. So she would be a bit comfy. I knew that suit wasn't to comfortable to sleep in, but I knew if I tried to take it off for her, she would wake up. So I was just hoping she would understand when she wakes up.
I pulled her favourite grey fuzzy blanket up to her neck and kissed her forehead.
"I love you Doll." I gave her one more kiss and sat up from the bed. I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom to change. I was now in just blue jeans and black short sleeve. I left the bathroom and she was now more sprawled out on the bed. I just chuckled and left our room. I walked into the bar area to grab my self a beer.
"Where's Y/N?" Steve asked me as he sat down at the counter.
"She's sleeping." I said as I grabbed my self a beer.
"Can you get me one?" He asked quickly. I grabbed one for him and placed it front of him. I leaned against the counter and we opened our beers at the same time and cheers'ed. I took a swig and than Sam walked up.
"What's going on over here?" He asked as he placed an arm onto Steve's shoulder.
"Oh you know. Drinking beer." I responded as I took another swig.
"So Bucky? When are you and Y/N planning on getting married?" Steve questioned. I took the beer can away from my lips and looked at him, confused. It remained silent for a bit as I just looked at them.
"Everything alright with you two?" Sam asked. I got out my thoughts and back to reality.
"Yeah, we're great." I smiled. "It's just we haven't really talked about the wedding that much." I sighed.
"Oh. Well when you do start talking about it, just wanted to let you know. That I am here for assistance." Steve put forth.
"Thank you." 
"Me to! I can help out!" Sam budded in all giddy.
"Thanks guys. I will let Y/N know." I took another sip.
We continued to talk for about another hour and I realized I should probably go check on her.
"Hey fella's I'm gonna go check on Y/N. I'll be right back." I said and left the bar. I quietly opened the door and she was still sleeping. I just smiled at her and sighed in happiness. She looked absolutely adorable and beautiful while sleeping, how is that even possible. I probably look an idiot.
"Mr Bucky!" I shut the door and saw Peter standing there.
"Kid. Shh." I gave him wide eyes and ticked my head to the door.
"Oh, sorry." He apologized. I crept the door open again and she was still sleeping. I took a sigh of relief and turned back to Peter.
"It's all good Peter. What can I do for you?"
"Is she okay?" He asked concerned.
"Yeah she's just sleeping." I said.
"Oh." He nodded his head. "Um I was wondering if you could help me with something." He mumbled.
"And that is?"
"Homework." He replied.
"Peter, I can't do math or science. I won't get anything now a days. Are you forgetting I'm a 100 years old." I laughed.
"No I didn't forget that." He laughed. "It's about world war 2. So I was wondering if you could help me." He smiled.
"Um...yeah I can help. Have you asked Steve, he might know more than me." I admitted and rubbed the back of my neck.
"He said he was busy."
"Doing what?" I asked confused.
"He said training."
Oh that lying dick, he knew he could get out of doing the homework, so I would be stuck doing it. I mean I'm not mad, just annoyed. Also I'm hurt that I was asked second.
I sighed and looked at the door. "Well shes probably gonna sleep all day...Okay well let's see what I can do." I placed my hand on his shoulder and we walked into his room.

I heard a faint sound and than a door shutting. I fluttered my eyes open and saw I was in my bed. I knew Bucky must have brought me here. I stretched out my legs and found I wasn't wearing shoes. Damn it this guy is just to move. I pulled the blanket I was holding, higher to my head and cuddled my self into the bed even more. The bathroom door opened and out walked, the one and only.
"Sargent." I whispered. He turned to me, looking sorry and shocked.
"Oh Y/N. I'm so sorry if I woke you up." He apologized very quickly.
"Bucky it's okay." I smiled and patted the bed. He sat down and I sat up and wrapped my arms around him. Something looked like it was on mind, like it was bothering him.
"Bucky is something wrong? You seem off."
"Um...it's nothing." He mumbled. I just playfully glared at him and grabbed his chin.
"No it's not nothing." I smirked and let go of his chin.
"Do you know how much bullshit their teaching in schools!" He yelled. I just looked at him confused.
"Why do you care?" I giggled.
"I was helping Peter with homework and wow do they have so much wrong." He groaned and threw his head against the head board.
"Oh my gosh." I burst out laughing and placed my hand on his chest.
"It's not funny. They should be teaching the right stuff." He defended.
"Okay calm down Princess." I managed to get out, before he shot me a glare and I burst out laughing again. Why was this bothering him so much. I mean I'm guessing this was about world war 2, but they didn't add a lot of things because of how terrible those times were. From what Bucky told me, that war was ugly and nasty.
I managed to calm my self down and I sat up and straddled over his lap. He placed his hands on my thighs and smiled, I'm guessing liking the position we were in.
"Bucky, don't worry about that. It's probably good there not adding all the horrible shit that actually happened." I said as I wrapped my hands around his neck.
"Yeah your right." He sighed. "But it still bothers me."
"I know it does. But I think we have more important matters to attend to." I giggled and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. I pulled away and he quickly grabbed my face again and pulled me back onto him. We continued to kiss as I slowly grinded on top of him, he let out a low groan and started kissing my neck. I moaned quietly and he sucked the sweet spot on my neck, causing a louder moan to leave my lips.
"Bucky." I grabbed his face and placed him back on my lips. He wrapped his hand around my waist and flipped us over. We continued to kiss as his hands moving all over my body, doing his best to leave nothing un touched. He began kissing my jaw and than my neck, placing light feathery kisses.
"Is this just a make out session?" He asked as he placed more kisses along my neck.
"Whatever....you want." I gasped.
"I'm enjoying this." He smiled.
"Than let's continue this." I smirked and placed my hands across his back, holding onto him tightly. We continued to kiss, tongues dancing in each other's mouths, gentle lip biting and a lot moans.
After about an half an hour we stopped and collapsed next to each other.
"Holy shit, that was magical." He laughed.
"Yes...magical." I said sarcastically and giggled. He threw his arm over me and pulled me close to him, I laid my head on his chest so I could listen to his heart beat.
"Tomorrow we start planning the wedding." I stated.
"Yup! We need to get shit done." He responded. I nodded my head In agreement. "Also Sam and Steve that they would help out with anything." He added.
"Oh that's so sweet of them." I smiled and nuzzled up closer to him. I began to feel tired again and slowly my eyes closed.
"I love you Doll. Sweet dreams." I heard Bucky whisper and than I felt a kiss to my forehead. My cheeks flushed and I felt my whole body fill with butterflies.
"I love you to Sargent."

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