I Miss Her

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Steve and Sam walked into my room. They stood holding their hands in front of their bodies. Sad looks on their faces, I could see how much pain Steve was in.
"Bucky I'm sorry." Steve sighed. I felt all this anger in me for him, even though she did it. But I felt like I needed to blame someone and not her.
"YOU LET HER GO STEVE! I WAS SUPPOSE TO FALL, NOT HER!" I yelled, standing up from the bed.
"Bucky relax." Sam said.
"RELAX!" I scoffed. "How am I suppose to relax when I watched my girlfriend die In front of me." I began to feel the tears in my eyes, I started mumbling my words.
"I...I...I couldn't even help her." I gasped. Steve sat beside me and placed his hand on my back. Sam came to the other side and I put my head in my hands.
"I loved her." I cried.
"Bucky we know and she loved you. She wouldn't have done that unless she thought it was the right thing to do." Steve said.
"She would want you to be happy and just remember the good times." Sam said. I turned to look at both of them and looked back down to my feet.
"Thank you, But I want to be alone." I sighed, I didn't even look up but I knew they both left. I flopped back on my bed and rested my head against the headboard. I closed my eyes and started remembering everything about her. Her smile and how it could light up a room, Her voice, how it was so soothing and calming. Her body, She was perfect in every way. Her laugh, Humour, personality. Everything I could remember. I smiled at those thoughts and fell asleep.

As soon as I felt those restraints off my wrists, I immediately grabbed a knife out of my shoe. The tunnel I was falling in, felt like forever and it kept getting more narrow the more you fell down. I grabbed another knife from my pocket and held them both hands, Trying not to hit my head on the metal walls. I continued to fall the red light was getting closer every second. I started tracing the knifes against the wall and placed my back on one wall and my feet on the another. I started slowing down and eventually I stopped. I stopped screaming and opened my eyes. I looked around and saw that I was only like a foot away from the spikes. If I would kept falling, I would have been impaled.
"Yes!" I screamed out in joy. "Bucky, Baby I'm alive." I yelled. It was very quiet. Did they leave that quick, he must of not wanted to hear me scream.
"BUCKY?" I yelled. Oh you gotta be shitting me.
I didn't have my phone and I didn't want Tyler to hear me. So as quietly as I could, I inched my way up the tunnel, slowly. The knives digging into the walls. After about 3 hours I made it maybe 35 feet, out of the 100 feet I fell.
This is gonna suck ass
I took a break and started to catch my breath. I took notice of my collar around my neck, it was still blinking. Which meant it was still stopping me from using them.
Your such an idiot. I mentally hit my self. I grabbed a knife and started cutting away at the collar, These knives were made out of vabranuim. The strongest metal on earth, Nat had some extra with her after she left SHIELD.
After 20 minutes of sweating and cursing I eventually cut the collar off. It fell below me landing on the spike. I sighed in relief and looked up. I made blue flames appear and I started lifting my self up by flying. But I was so weak I only made it 50 feet. I quickly leaned my back against the cold metal wall, while my feet were on the other wall. Holding me up.
"No, No come on." I yelled. I was so close to the exit. I Kept thinking about Bucky, How I needed to see him. How he would encourage me. One sentence from his lips, dancing around in my head.
I love you
I closed my eyes and when I opened them my whole body was on fire. I mustered up all the energy I had left and screamed in pain. I flew through the opening of the tunnel and landed on the cold cement. I did it, I DID IT!" I stood up and started laughing from my happiness. The fire disappearing from my body. I didn't know I could do that. I stared crying and I fell to my knees from being so exhausted. After about 10 minutes I stood up again and dusted myself off. I looked around the room and saw what looked like a door. But it was bolted shut now. I turned back to the glass and stood in front of it.
Well here's go nothing
I rounded up my leg and kicked the glass with all my power. Shattering it and me falling through the other side.
"Ow." I rolled over the glass, cutting my arms, legs and face. I slowly stood up and stumbled out of the room. Limping down the hallway. I opened the wooden door, surprised not to see anyone else in the building. I fell onto the cement and cried out in joy. People were giving me really weird looks but I didn't care. It was nice to finally feel the sunshine and breathe fresh air. But one thought still stayed in my head, Did he even let Bucky escape. Maybe he killed him to and that's why there was no response. No but than steve would have yelled back. I started running back to the compound to get the answers I needed, but the pain I was in. It was almost impossible. I was tired and beat up, I felt like I was gonna die on these streets. I made it back to the compound, Loosing a shit ton of blood on the way. My head was going foggy and I managed to get through the big glass doors. I fell to the floor in glory and pain. No one was around, Everyone must be depressed thinking I'm dead. As the light started taking over me, I couldn't speak anymore. I shimmied my way over to the fire alarm and pulled it. The alarms sounded through the compound as I leaned against the door, succumbing to the blood loss.

I was awoken to the sound of the fire alarms going off, But I honestly didn't care. I felt like I had died already, so actually dying wouldn't be bad. I slumped father into my bed and closed my eyes.
"Y/N." I heard someone yell. My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly.
"Y/N?" I whispered.
"WE NEED TO GET HER MEDIC." I heard Nat yell. I shot out my bed and ripped open my door, tearing it off the hinges. I looked back at the damage but I didn't care. I ran down the hallway and saw a team of doctors holding onto a gurney. On the gurney was Y/N passed out her body covered in blood. I couldn't believe my eyes, this must be a dream. They ran her into the surgery room and I quickly followed in. A doctor stopped me.
"No you can't be in here." He said stern.
"I need to be." I gritted I teeth. My adrenaline was through the roof, I was gonna punch this dude.
"Let him in." I heard Tony say. I turned to him and nodded my head. I ran next to her and grabbed her hand, holding it close to my body.
"We need blood." A nurse yelled.
"I'll do it." I smiled.
"Great." The nurse stuck a needle in me and i started giving my blood. I still couldn't believe she was in front of me.
"I love you Y/N." I smiled and kissed her forehead as they began to fix her up.

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