Getting Ready

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I walked into my room and immediately started the shower. I was sweaty mess. I climbed in and the water hit my back, having a burning, yet pleasure feeling. I used my favourite body wash. Warm vanilla sugar, the smell of this is one was good. After I showered, I wrapped the towel around my body and started doing my face routine. On the other side of the bathroom door, I heard my front door open.
"If your trying to be sneaky Barnes, your failing miserably." I giggled.
"Damn it." I heard him huff. I started laughing and he knocked on the door.
"Can I come in?"
"I mean, ya if you wanna see me with a face mask on." I chuckled.
"It's not that bad." He opened and let out a little scream.
"Woah, Your face." He smiled goofily.
I just smiled and started brushing my hair.
"You know what, I'll just wait out here." He closed the door and I smiled. I loved that man so much. After I finished up, I met him sitting on my bed watching Netflix.
"Hey." I leaned in the doorway.
"Hi." He smiled. He patted the bed and I sat down beside him. I still had a towel wrapped around me.
"You still nervous for tonight?"
"Ya, A little. I mean beating you up. Let out some stress." I giggled.
"You didn't beat me up." He smiled.
"Well you did tap out, that has to mean something." I smirked
"Ugh fine." I gave him a kick kiss and stood up.
"I'm gonna go get ready with Nat and Wanda at six, just to let you know." I smiled.
"Oh fun." He grinned.
"I'll probably just hang out with Sam and Steve until the party."
"Sweet." I kissed his cheek. "I love you."
"I love you to." He kissed my forehead. I was so Frickn lucky to call him mine. A kiss on my forehead always made me so happy for some reason I couldn't explain. It was made a warm, fuzzy feeling run through my body.

-Time skip to six-

I grabbed my dress I was gonna wear tonight and my heels and makeup. I took the elevator up to Nat's Room. I knocked on her door and Wanda opened it.
"Y/N!" She smiled. "Come in." She opened the door more and I saw a bunch of dresses lying across the bed.
"I see you brought your own, but if you want you can pick any of these." Nat smiled and pointed to the dresses. They were all beautiful dresses. Something I feel I shouldn't wear, they looked to nice. For someone like me.
"Ya silly." Wanda bumped my arm playfully.
"Wow, I don't no what to say." I was so flustered.
"Um I will take a hug." Nat giggled. I instantly wrapped my arms around both them and pulled them into a hug.
"Thank you, Thank you so much!" I smiled, I was over joyed.
"Your very welcome Y/N!" Wanda smiled. I scanned over the dresses and this one stood out to me.

This was the dress

I sipped it on and walked out of the bathroom

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I sipped it on and walked out of the bathroom. Nat's and Wanda's jaws hit the floor.
"OH MY GOSH! Y/N you are beautiful." Nat smiled.
"YOU LOOK SO PRETTY!" Wanda yelled.
"Aw thank you." I blushed and looked down at the dress and ran my hands over it.
"It is a beautiful dress." I looked up and smiled at them.
"Thank you so much guys."
"Yes Of course." Nat said. She ran off and brought forward sparkly sliver heels.
"Here." She handed them to me and I smiled.
"Thank you." I sat down on the bed and slipped them on. Nat and Wanda got dressed as well into stunning dresses. It was about seven when we finished doing our hair and makeup.
"Are you ready?" Nat asked.
"Yeah, But could we take a photo real quick. I take a picture with my best friends, when we look like sexy bitches." I laughed.
"Yasss we do look like sexy bitches!" Wanda yelled excitedly. Nat just smiled and I whipped out my phone. I held it out and we took a pictures, Goofy ones and just smiles. Than they decided to both kiss my cheeks. Making me smile and laugh. We all walked into the elevator, trying not to trip over our dresses. It was quite a bit of fabric. I could hear the music blaring from the living room. I took a deep breath and walked into the room. Bucky immediately looked at me and that must have been the biggest smile I have ever seen on someone's face. As I walking to Bucky, Tony grabbed my arm and dragged me away.
"Your late Kid." He smiled
"Sorry." I giggled. He dragged me onto a stage and my cheeks turned rosy from embarrassment. Nat and Bucky gave me thumbs up for support.
"Hello Everyone!" Tony said into a mic. "I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight. This party is in celebration for our newest Avenger Y/N!" Everyone started clapping and I looked down embarrassed.
"Y/N would you like to say anything?" Tony asked looking at me. I just gave him a glare, I hated public speaking. But I wasn't going to be rude.
"Sure." I grabbed the mic and Tony moved away.
"Um hi everyone." I smiled. Bucky started chuckling in a cute way and I smiled even more.
"Thank you for all coming out tonight, I will be honest I was quite nervous for tonight. Stuff never happens like this to me ever. So this means a lot to me." I laughed nervously and took a deep breath. "If you would have told me 4 years ago that I was gonna be an Avenger in the future. I probably would have slapped you from how ridiculous that sounded." I got a laugh from the crowd, which made a little bit of nervousness slip away.
"So I just want to say Thank you Tony for letting me be apart of this team and for every one being so kind and nice to me. I don't want to sound sappy, but I'm also thankful for meeting the love of life." I looked over to Bucky and he smiled and mouthed I love you." I heard a few awe's from the crowd and I started getting teary eyed.
"Thank you all." I smiled and backed away from the mic.
"Nicely done." Tony wrapped me in a hug and I hugged him back. He said a few more announcements and the party was started. He helped me off the stage. But Bucky came and I rested my arm on his.
"You did so good Doll, I'm so proud of you."He smiled and kissed my cheek.
"Thank you Sargent." I smirked. He led me over to where, Clint, Steve, Sam And Nat were. Nat took me from him and hugged me.
"WHOO HOO!" She yelled.
"Nat calm down." I giggled.
"You almost made me cry." She hit my arm playfully.
"Aww Nat."
"Oh don't Aww." I just laughed and Bucky handed me a beer.
"Thanks." He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

I know this chapter kind of ends weird, But next chapter will be more of the party and something else exciting!

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